🔥 𝟐𝟓𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 🔥

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Welcome back, bean buns! We're getting ready to hit 25k reads here pretty soon, so I've already started preparing. I took a vote in my reader discord and for this milestone, we'll be having a Character Q&A session! You can ask any character in the book anything you want! And yes, you can ask more than one character a question... but only one question per character.

Feel free to participate wherever you're at in the book, but if you ask a spoilery question, you may get a spoilery answer!


Who's your favorite character? (Miya is a curious kat):

5k reads: 4-21-21 [Reading Giveaway]
1k votes: 8-2-21 [Graphic Giveaway]

25k reads: 12-21-22 [Character Q&A]
5k votes:

I'm keeping a favorite character tally here just because I can :D

If you change your mind to a different character in the future (maybe you met someone even more amazing ;) let me know and I can change the votes!

Favorite Character Standings

6 Minerva ~ emmelinerose1, TheConfusedTurtle, Akston93, ArkAngel5933, rithvik11_master, MoYun_ZJ

6 Azuki ~ Ace_Guard, NgoziGardenia, kitcatab3, avadel, backto541, dreaminginreverie

4 Kodak EpicsofNoche, teniyakisauce, DomiSotto, SuVida777

2 Edina ~ LadyArwenEvenStar, Cross-Warrior

2 Kaolin ~ skyebme, AziaElga

1 Kovine ~ TeodoratheScholar

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