✨Part 2✨

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💭 ok so today is the day I ask Aaliyah to be my girl friend I'm so nervous 💭
Angel walks into the house
Angel: w-wsp yall
Ev: wsp
Angel: where is Aaliyah?
Aaliyah comes downstairs
Aaliyah: right here
Angel: o-oh h-hi Aaliyah
Aaliyah: hi angle
Aaliyah: you good?
Angel: yea why?
Aaliyah: you seem nervous
Angel: huh no I'm good
Aaliyah; umm ok I'm going to my room
Ev: ok
Aaliyah leaves
Angel: ok guys I'm going to ask Aaliyah to be my girl friend today
angel: yea but I need you guys to get her out of the house
The girls: we got it
Angle: ok so the boys will help me set up
Ev: ok
                             ✨Zoe's POV ✨
The girls walk upstairs into Aaliyah's room
Zoe: heyy girll
Aaliyah: wsp yall
Ahiella: ok so we are going to have a girls day so get dressed
Aaliyah: ok
Aaliyah's outfit

💭 ok so today is the day I ask Aaliyah to be my girl friend I'm so nervous 💭Angel walks into the house Angel: w-wsp yall Ev: wspAngel: where is Aaliyah?Aaliyah comes downstairs Aaliyah: right here Angel: o-oh h-hi Aaliyah Aaliyah: hi angle Aaliy...

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Zoe's outfit

Kiya's outfit

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Kiya's outfit

Ahiella's outfit

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Ahiella's outfit

Ahiella's outfit

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