⚡️gang gang⚡️

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2 weeks later
Angel:baby calm down
Aaliyah: your right I-
The door open and in walks in Aaliyah's auntie and uncle
A & U = auntie & uncle
A & U: heyyy Aaliyah and Aaliyah's friends
Derek: I'm Derek
Angel: I'm angel
Mike: I'm mike
Ahiella: I'm Ahiella
Zoe: I'm Zoe you already know that
K & K: hi Auntie and Uncle
Myah: I'm Myah
Aya: I'm aya
A & U: we have something to tell you all
Ev: ummm ok
A & U: your parents were gang leader's Aaliyah
A&U: now since there....gone you have to take over
Aaliyah: fine but I need people to be in the gang
Ev:we will
Aaliyah: what no it's to dangerous
Ev: I don't care what you say
Aaliyah: you realize that I get to choose weather or not I want you in MY gang right?
Ev: ohhh yeaaa
Aaliyah: ok let's get this started
A&U: ok your first mission is Saturday at the Casino the owner owned your parents a lot of money and still hasn't payed
Aaliyah: how much money?
A&U: 100 grand
Ev: Dannnnggggg

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