Chapter 11

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"Dead, what do you mean dead?" I ask shocked, "I only just saw him yesterday." Mary leans in close so as no one close by can hear us, except for me and Terrell.

"I only just found out today. Apparently the police found him laying face down in a ditch. I guess he was strangled and then stabbed at least ten times." I stood there with a blank face. Who could have done this? I know he was a player, but what did he do that was so bad that he had to die because of it? I scan my brain for any clue's as to who might have murdered Jeremy, when I feel a hand fall on my shoulder. It was Mary. She looks into my eyes concerned.

"Are you okay? I know this is tough news to hear." says Mary. I nod my head and slowly sit down on the grass. I lower my head, a little overwhelmed. I can feel the stares of Mary and Terrell on me. I suddenly stand up and face Mary.

"I appreciate you telling me this, but I need to be alone for a bit." I say politely. Mary nods her head approvingly and heads inside the school. I turn around and grab Terrell's hand. I drag him behind me hurrying over to a secluded place behind the school building. I let go of Terrell's hand once we reach the spot. He crosses his arms, anxiously waiting for me to say something. 

"Ok hear me out. This might seem crazy, but I think Wyatt might have been the cause of Jeremy's murder." Terrell doesn't say anything for a while, which makes me think he doesn't agree with me. Finally, he speaks up.

"Do you remember when we saw that ambulance on the highway?" he asks. I nod my head, remembering seeing the ambulance zooming past us.

"Maybe that was the ambulance we saw that was meant for Jeremy. It would have given Wyatt enough time to kill Jeremy, dump the body, come by your house, and then drive us to dinner." Of course. How could I not have thought of that. The ambulance was headed towards a bridge, that had a small ditch under it. Maybe that is where Wyatt might have dumped the body. 

"Should we go to the police?" I ask. Terrell shakes his head.

"We don't even have any evidence that he did it. We are only assuming he did it because of what happened the other night." I give a defeated look, but agree with Terrell.

"I guess your right. We shouldn't just jump to conclusions so quickly." I start thinking in my head how we could get evidence on Wyatt when suddenly, an idea pops into my head.

"What if we spied on him." I say a little too enthusiastically. Terrell gives me a disapproving look. 

"I don't think so." Terrell says roughly. 

"Oh come on. It'll be fun, just admit it." I give a sad look up towards Terrell.

"No." he says flatly. I start to sniffle, then I pout my lower lip. And to top it off, I give him the irresistible puppy dog eyes. Terrell starts shifting from leg to leg, fidgeting his fingers, and clearing his throat. I can tell he is about to break.

"Alright fine, you got me." Terrell says defeated. I jump up and down excited. I glide over to Terrell and give him a kiss. 

"If anything bad starts to happen, we bail okay?" Terrell says seriously. I nod my head vigorously. Nothing would make me happier than to see that asshole behind bars.

Bit of a short chapter today. What do you guys think Wyatt is up too?

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