Chapter 13

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I call my dad ahead of time to let him know that T and I are coming. I explain to him everything that is happening- all except Wyatt being the mafia leader- and I make sure to tell him that everything will be fine and not to worry about me. He tends to go all beast mode on people who he thinks are trying to hurt me. But this time, I don't mind so much if he quite literally could turn into a beast. Terrell pulls up to a gate a few feet away from the warehouse. I have visited this place almost all of my life and everyone here just about knows me and what car I drive, so it's no surprise when they immediately open up the gates for us. Terrell drives through without a problem and stops right at the front entrance of the warehouse. We both get out and I get greeted by Junior. 

"Hello little one, how's life been going for ya?" questions Junior.

"Not too bad Junior the Giant." I give him a playful smile and head inside the building. Everyone calls him Junior the Giant because when he was born, he was super small. Not a preemie of course, but just small. His mother decided to call him Junior for that matter. He was small his whole life until he suddenly sprouted out of know where and grew muscles. Ever since then, he has been called Junior the Giant. He has also been working with my dad longer than anyone else who has been here, which makes him, and this place, that much more special. 

T and I get inside the building and I see my dad straight away. He is in his office typing away on a computer, with a look of determination on his face. I stop right at his office door and I lightly tap on his door. He looks up from what he is doing to see who is there. Him and I make eye contact and he gets up from his chair.

"Oh thank god. I didn't think you could get here fast enough." says my dad worriedly. He walks over to me and gives me a hug. He lets go after a second and faces Terrell. 

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter, it really means a lot to me." My dad says. He shakes hands with Terrell showing his appreciation.

"Anything for you daughter sir. I wont let anything bad happen to her, I swear." Terrell gives a confident look, knowing that he is going to keep his promise no matter what. I slowly walk over to a chair in front of my dads desk and I sit down. I gesture for both Terrell and my dad to sit down, and they follow suit. Once they are seated, I break the news to my father.

"Dad, I have to tell you something." My dad leans forward in his chair intrigued about what I have to say.

"Are you still in business with that guy, you know, who wants to get to me?" I can see him tense up a bit. He didn't like me talking about Wyatt, which he would soon know any second is the mafia leader. My dad clears his throat and starts talking.

"Yes. Him and I are still in business. For the past month, I've been having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he would want you in the first place. Why are you so important to him? It just doesn't make sense." My dad shakes his head and looks contemplating up at the ceiling. He finally snaps himself out of it and looks at me. I guess I have a guilty look on my face because my dad looks at me questioningly. He can sense anything off me, whether it be good or bad. 

"What is it your not telling me?" He accuses. I swallow a big gulp and I proceed to tell him what is heavy on my mind.

"Well, do you remember that one night when you helped me bring Terrell home from being beat up?" He nods his head slowly and is waiting for me to continue. "And I told you that it was Wyatt that did it?" His eyebrow perks up, maybe getting an idea of where I'm headed. " I think Wyatt is the mafia leader that you have been conversing with, and who is trying to get to me." I quickly finish my sentence and wait for my dad to speak. Terrell suddenly reaches over to me to hold my hand. His action makes me feel comforted and more relaxed about the thought of what my dad is going to say next.

"How did you figure this out, did he come to you?" My dads voice starts to raise but I shush him. I get up from my chair and I lean over the desk.

"No, he didn't come to me. Terrell and I had the idea that we should spy on him, so we did. We followed him to his favorite hiding spot. We heard everything that they said and we wanted to come to you because you would know what to do." I sit back down and wait for his answer. 

"Its good you came to me then. Don't worry, I already have some of my guys tracking him now. We won't let him out of our sight until he is fully executed." I scoff at the use of my dads wording. Terrell and I both get up from our chairs, having finished telling my dad about the worrisome news. I let out a yawn and I'm surprised at how I've suddenly became tired.

"Why don't the two of you go upstairs and get some rest. We'll talk more about this in the morning." my dad states. Terrell and I both nod our heads and walk upstairs. We enter a small room with a bathroom connected to it. There is a decent sized bed for the both of us, and a dresser filled with fresh clothes. I walk over to the bed and fall on it. I curl up in the blankets and close my eyes. I can feel a dip in the bed, knowing Terrell is sitting right next to me. I then feel him lay down next to me and wrap his strong arms around my body, protecting me. I curl into him as much as possible until I feel comfortable.

"Goodnight Addy. I love you." Terrell coos. I mumble a response to him, too close to sleep to give him a clear answer. I can hear a small chuckle come out of him before I drift off to sleep. 

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