The End?

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3rd Person

"Hey well I think it's time for me to go back to my dorm. It's getting kinda late" Kiyotaka smiles as he stands up. "Yeah...." Mondo looks away. Why is he sad? Taka is about to open the door when Mondo calls out, "W-Wait!" Ishimaru turns around startled. "" Owada turns red. "Is something wrong?" Taka asks. "I...._____" Mondo mutters. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you" Kiyotaka says confused. "I... ______..." Mondo says a tad bit louder. "Bro I'm sorry but I can't hear you still" Taka laughs. Mondo looks away embarrassed. "KIYOTAKA I THINK I LIKE YOU" Owada yells. Taka looks at him shocked. He stands there in silence. Mondo feels his eyes start to get filled with tears. "I-I! I forgot to y'know uh...think!" Mondo looks away trying to figure out what to do. "Hey M-Mondo. It's okay...I just didn't know how to's nothing against you" Taka gives him a soft smile. Then all of a sudden everything Mondo had been holding back for years came spilling out. "I-I...I don't understand what I'm supposed to do! I try to live up to my big brother's image b-but he's always somehow better! I-I-I try to act all strong but-but I don't know anymore." He starts to shake. Kiyotaka senses the situation and walks him and Mondo to the bed where they sit down. Tears start rolling down Mondo's face. "They always look down on me! They always just see me as Daiya's younger brother! And when D-Daiya announced th-that the biker gang is going to me in a couple years everyone...Everyone....Everyone started complaining! Saying was nothing like him! A-And how I acted like a fag. A-And what...what was I supposed to do?! I couldn't do anything! I-I c-couldn't prove I-I-I was actually y'know st-strong a-and-" Mondo gets cut off by his own tears. He begins to sob even more. Kiyotaka realizes how much he has been hiding behind a much Mondo had been bottling inside of himself. "Mondo...I think you're amazing...and I know this probably won't make you feel any better but you shouldn't care what they think. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you aren't strong. I mean think about how much the LGBTQ+ are up against! They have so much hate and disrespect towards them...that I personally think that...that they're stronger than everyone in your gang combined!" Taka says trying to raise Mondo's spirits. They sit together hugging for about 5 minutes until Mondo breaks away. "Hey...Kiyotaka can I ask you something?" He says looking away. "Yeah of course!" Taka smiles. " you want to be my boyfriend......" Mondo turns red. Taka laughs. "W-What?!" Mondo yells nervously. "I was wondering when you'd ask" Ishimaru says smiling wider than before. The two lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling. Suddenly Taka turns towards his boyfriend. "Promise me something Mondo" he says. "Yes?" Mondo turns towards him. "Promise you'll never ever forget the moments we've shared together" Taka says cuddling Mondo. Owada chuckles, "I would never."

The end

Or is it?

B-Bro!? *Kiyotaka Ishimaru X Mondo Owada*Where stories live. Discover now