Mayberry Fanfic

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"C'mon Batman, Batmana, and Hector jr!!" Hector yells. "We're gonna be late!" "Dad, do we really have to go?" Batman whines. "Yeah, these are your cousins!" Hector says. Batman sighs, but continues following behind him. "We're here!" Hector says, arriving at his brother Esteban's house. "Hector! So nice to see you!" Clarissa, Esteban's wife, says as she answers the door. "And Jessica! You look gorgeous today!" Jessica, Hector's wife, smiles. "Thank you. Sorry some of us couldn't be here you know the giant family thing we have going on get's crazy sometimes." She laughs. Clarissa nods. "I understand, please come in. And kids, Thatswhatsup, Pizzataco, Yo, and Yoyoyo, are in the living room!" She says. "Yay!"" The children yell as they run to see their cousins. "Nicole! You look great today!" Jessica says as she sits down next to Nicole and her husband Andrew. "Thank you Jessica! You look great too!" Nicole says. "Zouis?" Jess asks. "Zouis." Nicole replies and they fist bump. Everyine looks at them weird. "Um.. so hows Pizzataco?" Hector asks. "Oh she's fine, she's growing up so fast though." Andrew says. Brayden walks in and sits down next to all of them. "Hey everyone! Sorry my wife couldn't be here today!" He says. "Uncle Brayden!" Batmana yells as she runs to him. "Wow you're so grown up!" He says. The other kids run in and complain about being hungry. "Manners, Pizzataco!" Nicole says. "Sorry mommy." Pizzataco says. "Don't worry I made something!" Clarrissa says. She puts a tray of cookies on the table and the kids dive right in. "Well." Esteban says quietly. 

There's a knock at the door and Clarrissa goes to see who it is and then One Direction run in. "Jessica!! Batman2 is missing I can't find him!" Zayn says. Jessica covers her face in shame. "Zayn... he's at daycare..." She says. "Oh right. Well I'm staying anyway hey sup Hec." Zayn says. "Sometimes I forget you have two husbands." Hector says. "Nicole why do you spend so much time with Andrew you should spend more time with me." Louis whines. "Um." Is all Nicole can says before 5SOS BURST IN THE ROOM TOO. "What about ME?" Ashton asks. Nicole looks around the room. She is confused. When did she marry all these guys. "How is this house big enough to fit all of us?" Esteban asks. "Yo." Avery, Ashton, Hector, and Liam's wife says. "Oh thank god you made it, it's been chaos with out you." Jessica says. "IS NO ONE CONCERNED ABOUT THE FACT THAT WE WERE LIKE TEENAGERS YESTERDAY?" Nicole asks. "No." Everyone says. Then a turtle with a bomb on it walks in and blows up the house the end




Carlos, being the only survivor, went on to live his life as a famous rapper known very well for his mixtape that was fire. He traveled the world dropping the freshest raps you've ever heard. He dedicated his rap album to his family.

(A/N: The ending was supposed to be like Calum's turtle story, but I realized not everyone would get it so I fixed it)

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