fanfic #2

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"Who are we bruh"
"IDK bruh, Avery forgot to write who says what"
"That sucks bruh." Brayden says. "Oh hey she fixed it." Andrew says. "Yo where's Hec?" Esteban asks. "He was supposed to be here an hour ago." Brayden says. Just then, Hector bursts into the room. "GUYS GUESS WHAT!?!?" He says. "Here we go." Carlos says, with an eye roll. "First off, sorry I'm late I was on twitter and got distracted. ANYWAY, I was looking at Jessica and Avery's twitters and Avery might come out here at some point meaning I could meet BOTH of them at the same time. It'd be so jbklnbbhjb." Hector says. "Was that even a sentence?" Brayden asks quietly. "I stopped listening months ago." Esteban replies. "Don't you get it?? If I meet them I might finally marry them an-" "YOU MEAN YOU'LL MOVE OUT?" Esteban asks. "Er.. I suppose." Hector says. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT MONTHS AGO! LET' GO GET EM BOTH WOOO" Esteban cheers. "Rude." Hector says. Jessica BURSTS INTO THE ROOM AT 85 MPH. "DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAME??" She asks. She suddenly realizes she just accidentally broke into Esteban, Carlos, and Hector's home. "Oh sorry." She says. "OH MYG OD ITS JESSICA BHHKJJ" Hector yells. "Um." Is all Jessica says. "Can you pleaaaasseee take him? He's very annoying. You can take him to your friend Avery and then you two can marry him so he'll move out PLEASE." Esteban begs. "Woah what happened before I showed up?" Jessica asks.

"You are gorgeous I can't believe you're a real person." Hector says, as he starts crying. "Bye." Jessica says. Just then AVERY BURSTS INTO THE ROOM TOO. "Sorry I'm late on this I just ran 1608 miles, but DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAME??" She asks. She suddenly realizes she ran all the way to Texas and is now in the presence of Mayberry. "OH." She says loudly. "IT'S AVERY AND JESSICA IM SO BJBLNLMKJ." Hector says, as he starts sobbing. "Yo wassup with Hec?" Avery whispers to Jessica. "Yo man idk he was like this when I got here." Jessica replies. "You guys are missing someone." Andrew says. "Who are we missing?" Jessica asks. "ME!" Nicole yells as she bursts in too. "NICOLE!!" Avery and Jessica yell, as they hug their internet friend. Hector faints because of feels. "This is the weirdest day ever." Brayden says. "You must've missed the last fanfic." Carlos says. Hector is suddenly in a suit and not on the floor. "I can't believe we're getting married." He says. "Yo... when did we agree to that?" Jessica asks. "Yeah man you were just kinda scaring us a minute ago- WAIT JESSICA WHAT?" Avery yells, turning to Jessica. Jessica is suddenly in a wedding dress. She looks down and screams. "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!" She yells. "How did that happen?" Nicole asks. "I am a wizard." Hector says. "HE DID IT TO ME TOO!" Avery says, looking down at the sudden wedding dress. "LOL" Hec says. A turtle walks in with dynamite on it. "Not again." Carlos says. "Relax, there's no way it could possibly-" Esteban doesn't finish the sentence bc the turtle blows up the house the end.

Nicole had the good sense to gtfo of there so she lived and told the tale of Mayberry and the wizard Hector.

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