chapter 1 Plan

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It was an average day in the school beigoma academy. Everyone was heading to their classes. "He's late again!" Wakiya sighed. "When is he not late?" Daigo asked. "That's Valt for you.. always late" Shu smiled. "Hey guys! Did I make it on time!!" The bluenette asked. "Only just the bell is about to ring!" Honcho sighed. "Phew, I thought i was toast when everyone was heading inside!" Valt sighed in relief. Leaving Shu there to chuckle. "Lets just go to class now!" Wakiya said frustrated. As all the boys walked to class.

After class
"Thank goodness that is over!" Valt yelled with joy. "What do you mean that wasn't too bad.." Shu says confidently. "Easy for you to say your name practically means 'top class' of course you'd say that!" Honcho complained. The 5 boys went up to the rooftop to train. "Right, who wants to take me on first! I'm looking at you Honcho!" Valt says excitedly looking at Honcho. "Sure I'm down to battle!" Honcho says pulling out his bey Roctovor.

Ring ring

The bell rang and everyone went to class. There in front of them was a 5 seater table where each of the boys sat. They all chatted while doing their work. "So guys wanna have a sleepover at my house on Friday? I can ask my mom to make bey bread!" Valt says with joy while the others laugh. "Sure!" Everyone replies as they all laughed. "Guys! Listen up! We have a former student joining us again come on in!" The teacher announced. Then the student came in it was none other than their former teammate Ken.
"Why don't you go sit with the boys over there!" The teacher said pointing at Valt and the others. "Ken!!" Valt shouted leaving the others to chuckle. "Suprise I'm back!" Ken laughed. "Oh yea, we're having a sleepover on Friday you're invited if you wanna come!" Valt said smiling. "Sure I'll come!" Ken giggled. Valt and Ken were talking while the others were talking. Leaving Shu in total jealousy. "Why do I feel
So jealous? Do I like Valt..?" Shu thought to himself. "Hey Shu are you ok?" Daigo said after hearing what Daigo said Valt turned to Shu and gave him a worried look. "Y-yea I'm fine just thinking...Haha" Shu says fake laughing to hide his jealousy. "I-I need to go to the bathroom real quick" Shu says getting up. "He's...not ok.." Valt says really sad. "You care alot about you like him?~" Ken says smirking. "N-no! I don't like Sh-Shu!!" Valt says hiding his face from blushing. "I think little Valty has a crush~" the others join in. All of them were smirking besides Valt who was hiding.

After school
They all went to the bey club area to train. Shu met them there. "Hey Valt.. wanna ba-" Shu tries to ask being cut off by Ken "hey Valt wanna battle its been a while?" Ken asks. "Sure!" Valt jumps with joy. "Hey Shu can you cheer for me please? It might help me!" Valt asks. "S-sure" Shu says sad while blushing. "3,2,1 let it ripppp!" Both beys launch. Daigo notices there's something up with Shu so he walks up to him. "Hey Shu what's bugging you?" Daigo asks. Shu sighed and said "well... it's just... now that ken's back I feel like Valt.. doesn't like me...I was going to ask him to battle but Ken beat me to it and during class time Valt didn't speak to me.. during class time.." Daigo giggled and said "Well... before you went to the bathroom Valt and Ken were catching up?" Shu looked at Daigo and said "yea but when I got back he didn't say anything to me.." Shu sighed sadly. While Daigo was laughing "Well... it takes people who aren't lovesick to figure it out!~" Daigo laughed. "H-hey! I'm not lovesick!" Shu said and Valt heard him. "H-huh you're lovesick too?" Valt asked as Shu sighed. "HE HAS A CRUSH!!" Daigo yelled. "Daigo,Wakiya,Honcho can I talk to you guys privately?" Ken asked "Sure!" The 3 boys said. Valt leaned against the fence looking a little sad.

With the 4 boys
"Omg those boys are too love sick to understand!" Honcho sighed. "Yea we need to help them!" Daigo said with confidence. "Yea!" The others agreed. "But how?" Wakiya asked. "Well were all having a sleepover on Friday we can-" Honcho said while they all laughed.

With Valt and Shu
Valt was sighing with sadness he hid his face. "Hey Valt...are you ok?" Shu says hugging Valt. "Y-yea I'm fine.." Valt replies blushing a bit. They hugged for a few minutes. The others peeked over at them. "Did they get together..?" Ken whispered. "I don't know? Should we ask?" Wakiya responded. "Are you guys finally dating?" Wakiya asked. "W-What?" Both boys say blushing.
"Dang it! I thought the ship sailed!" Daigo sighs with sadness. Wakiya was getting really impatient and triggered. "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHERS FEELINGS SHU I THOUGHT YOU WERE OBSERVANT AND VALT HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!" Wakiya shouted in rage. "H-huh? What?" They said confused. " said too much..." Honcho says facepalming. "O-oh whoops..-" Wakiya giggled. Both Shu and Valt stood there in shock not knowing what's going on. "Luckily they didn't hear you Wakiya otherwise that would of been pretty awkward.." Honcho says looking at the shocked boys. "W-we should call it a night..." Valt says. "Yea!" Everyone else agreed

When Valt got home
"I'm home!" Valt yells out to everyone as he puts his bag away and goes on his phone.

Group chat Bey buddies
Valt: Heya guys!
Shu: Hi
Wakiya: What? We just saw each other a few minutes ago why are you messaging me!!
Valt: Because. I'm bored.
Daigo: Typical Valt.
Shu: lololol
Valt: H-hey!
Honcho: Guys should we add Ken into the chat!?
Valt: YES!!
Shu: Uh..sure.
Wakiya: Ok
Daigo: Yea! Ken is awesome!
Honcho: I think Daigo has a crush~
Daigo: No. I. Don't.
Honcho: Sure you don't~
Valt: Yea Daigo~
Shu: so I'm not the only one with a crush?
Daigo: Shut it Shu or I'll tell the club your crush! :/
Shu: Don't. You. Dare
Valt: Who even knows shu's crush?
Honcho: Me.
Wakiya: Me.
Daigo: Me.
Shu: dont tell him!!
Daigo: Shu's
Daigo: Crush
Daigo: Is...
Daigo: ....
Shu: Don't say it!
Daigo: It's totally Lui
Shu: Huh? Oh yea it's Lui! 100%
Valt: I
Valt: Ship it..

Shu has added Daigo,Wakiya,Honcho,Ken into a group chat

Honcho: Why'd you not add Valt?
Shu: You. Guys. Can't. Tell. Him.
Honcho: Ok we'll just pretend it's Lui then
Honcho: Wow
Daigo: that kid..
Shu: Because he doesn't like me?

Wakiya has added Honcho,Daigo and Ken to a group chat

Wakiya has changed the chat name to operation Shalt

Wakiya: Because the lovesick guys aren't in this chat.
Honcho: Fair point now what?
Wakiya: well I don't know.

In the group chat with Shu,Daigo,Honcho,Ken,Wakiya

Shu: Oi someone add Lui. I'll get him to play along and make Valt jealous.
Daigo: Ok.
Daigo has added Lui into the chat
Lui: What?!
Wakiya: How'd you get Daigos number?
Lui: me,Daigo and Valt are the midget squad we have a group chat for it!
Daigo: yea!
Shu: so.. you're friends with..Valt..?
Lui: Yea of course!
Shu: I need your help.
Lui: Wow Shu is actually asking for MY help? Hah no.
Shu: Please...Lui.
Lui: Ugh what is it first?
Shu: I need you to help me make Valt jealous.
Lui: Are you saying..for me to pretend to date you..?
Shu: Yes that's exactly what I'm saying
Lui: Well... I kinda wanna make Free jealous so....fine I'll help you! Also me and Free are transferring to your school tomorrow so we can start then!
Shu: Ok! Thank you Lui.

The next day at school
"Ok class today we have 2 new students come on in!" The teacher annouced as Free and Lui came inside Lui looked over at Shu and winked to show that the plan was gonna happen. As for Valt he noticed and he took it the wrong way.

To be continued

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