Chapter 3 Unexpected journey

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Shu and Valt were walking to school since Shu wanted to walk with his lover. Both bladers decided to have a race. The bey club was already there. "Sooo are you guys actually dating now?" Ken asked. "Yea!" Both bladers say at the same time. The bey club smirked at them. "We need a ship name!" Honcho yells. "How about Shalt?" Daigo suggests. They all nod in agreement. They all then start training. "Hey Shu wanna battle?" Valt asks as Shu nods. Everyone else wanted to battle Shu too. "No I'm first!" Honcho yelled. "No me!" Daigo yelled to join in. "Actually it's me! I'm first" Wakiya joined in. "No me!!" Ken yelled. "I'M FIRST I'M FIRST!!" Valt yelled on top of everyone. Everyone looked at Valt. "How about a battle royale?" Shu suggested. Everyone nodded. "3,2,1 LET IT RIP!!" Everyone shouted. Each bey launches into the stadium. They all go flying except for one bey. They peek into the stadium to see Valtryek spinning in the stadium. "How did Valt win?" Everyone said confused leaving Valt into shock. "Aww~ Valty won!~" Shu smiles as Valt closed his eyes before yelling. "YAYAYAYAYAY I WONNN!!!!" He yells. "Congrats!" They all say to Valt.

Class time
Each person went in their usual spot. Lui and Free sat with each other though. Everyone was chatting away and laughing.. The bey club were discussing the sleepover on Friday. "So guys what should we do on Friday?" Valt asked. "We truth or dare?" Wakiya suggested while smirking at Shu and Valt which scared the 2 boys. "U-uh ok then...what's with that look..??" Valt asks scared. Everyone laughs

Time skip sleepover day
Valt was getting ready for a sleepover with his friends. They all were happy to have a sleepover together. "Hey guys come in!!" Valt yells with excitement. They all walk in and they hang out in Valts room.  Free and Lui completely forget about the sleepover and everyone forgot about them. "What do you wanna do?" Valt asks jumping on his bed. They all start laughing at how Valt was jumping on his bed. "Be careful Valt you might fa-" Shu warns Valt as Valt fell off the bed. "AHHH!!" Valt high pitch screams as he fell. "Valt?! Are you alright?!" Shu asks worriedly as Valt starts laughing. Everyone joins in with the laughing too.

Later that day
The boys were having lunch they ate beybread for lunch. "Wow your moms beybread is so good!" Honcho says enjoying his food.

After lunch
"Lets play truth or dare now!" Wakiya says smirking at the couple which made them gulp. "Whos starting?" Valt asks. "I'll start obviously." Wakiya announces. "Truth or dare Honcho?" "Hmm Truth.." "who do you like?" They all stared at Honcho smirking as Honcho starts to blush. "I-I like W-Wakiya.." Honcho says blushing very bright like a tomato. "I-I like you too..." Wakiya says smiling. "Awwwww~" everyone says smirking.

After truth or dare
The boys looked outside and it was dark. They decided to watch a movie and eat popcorn then they'd fall asleep. Valt fell asleep first. "Huh? Whats that sound?" Daigo asked as they turned around to see a sleeping Valt. Shu smiled at his sleeping boyfriend. "Aw~ is my Valty's asleep.." Shu laughs. Valt then grabs Shu's arm and starts hugging him. All of the bladers besides Valt start laughing. He's never gonna live this down.

The next morning
All of the bladers besides Valt woke up. Shu observed the sleeping blader. He starts laughing at him. They all play video games while Valt was asleep. "Goodmorning people.." Valt says yawning. "Morning!" They all say at the same time. They all ran downstairs and grabbed some beybread then they went to the bey park to train.

On Sunday
Valt woke up and he sighed as he heard his phone go off. Valt looked at his messages to find he was spammed.

Shu: Valt?
Shu: Valt?
Shu: Valt?
Shu: My baby?
Shu: My sonic?
Shu: My everything?
Valt: Dude it's 8 in the morning!
Shu: I'm sorry...I just wanted to talk to my bby! 💙❤
Valt: awwww its ok :) I'm glad it was you spamming me :D
Shu: I need to talk to you...can we meet up at the bey park at 1pm?
Valt: Ok! <3 Byeee!
Shu: bye! <3

At 1pm
Valt ran straight to the bey park. When he saw Shu. Shu didn't look to happy. "Hey Shu!!!" Valt screams hugging his lover. "Hey...listen...we need to talk." Shu says so seriously. '" something the matter?" Valt asks worriedly. Shu sighs and says "I think we need to break up.." Valt was in serious shock. He started to cry. "What why!?" "I'm moving to America.. to join a team the raging bulls..." Shu says sad. Then out of no where Shu disappears. Valt then walked home. He scrolled through his phone then he got a message.

???: Hello Valt Aoi..
Valt: Huh? Who are you?
???:  I am the owner of Dark blood.. I heard your lover abandoned you..
Valt: huh how'd you know?
???: I have my ways.
Valt: Hmm. Sure I'll join you..
???: Great my name is Shadow by the way.
Valt: Nice to meet you Shadow!
???: Same to I've gotta go now bye cya tomorrow.
Valt: cya!

The next day
Valt went onto the plane and he went
to Spain and went to dark blood. Valt placed on a blue mask and he got a new bey called Dark Valtryek. Valt walked into the dark room and he started training. His name was Shadow Blue,

A few weeks later
Valt and Shu both got challenged by Lui. They of course accepted it. Then once they have reached their destination. They all looked at each other. "Well well well if it isn't the 2 masked bladers are you like friends or something AHAHAHAHA!!" Lui laughed as Shadow blue and Red Eye looked at each other. "Hey weakling!" Red Eye laughed as Valt remained silent. "Let's just focus on the battle..cause it seems like you guys wanna lose...!" Valt says getting fired up. 

"3,2,1 LET IT RIP!!!"

To be continued

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