02 - Tooth Palace

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They were running and trying to follow North out of the workshop, getting deeper into ice galleries where yetis were bustling about in try to prepare their leaving. The dragon spirit had been caught up in the emergency and had completly forgotten that Lord Søl was behind this. The last remain of his mind aware of this died down as his orange eyes landed on Santa Claus's sleigh.

It was impressive, even more with the eigh reindeer pulling it. The sleigh was red and golden, adorning two giant skis so it can slide and two fins that seemed to be there to help the sleigh fly. There was only one sit on it since the back part was supposed to be filled with the giant bag of presents. Still there were steps were the other spirits could sit. Visibly it was not the first time the sleight was used for something else than the Christmas presents distribution. Just in front of the sole sit was a miniature version of the earth globe from the workshop, though this one was not covered in lights representing the children believing in spirits.

Hiccup was the first one to hop onboard of the sleigh.

''Everryone love the sleigh !'' North beamed. ''Bunny, what arre you waiting forr ?''

Aster looked hesitant and a bit scared.

''I think mah tunnels might be fastah, mate. An' huh... an' safah.''

Sandy chuckled silently at that while North grabbed the bunny by the back of his neck to toss him in. Then the golden spirit floated casually and took a sit while Hiccup was still standing, a hand on the railling while he was bending to check out the mecanisms of the sleigh.

''Buckle up !'' North ordered.

''Woh woh, where's the bloody seatbelts ?!'' Aster panicked.

''Ha ! Zat was just exprression, arre we rready ?''

He didn't wait for the yetis' approval and shook the reins to unleash the reindeers, forcing everyone around to flee away from their path. The sleigh toppled over a couple elves before launching itself in a fast and almost out-of-control slippery in an ice tunnel.

Hiccup remained standing, only one hand on the railling to steady himself, chuckling at such speed. It reminded him a bit back when he was riding dragons. He had stopped that since he had mastered shapeshifting but he happened to miss the sensation. With curiosity, he glanced at the other passengers and held back from laughing as Aster was litterally clawing the wood, scratching it, while Sandy was having a lot of fun and was raising his arms as if in a rollercoaster. North was also having great fun, laughing loudly.

''I hope you like ze loopy-loops !'' He beamed as the sleigh was already rolling over and sliding in a loop.

''Hope ya like carrots.'' Aster retorted, looking pale as if about to throw up.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, the light blinded them for a few seconds but their eyes got used to it just in time to see the end of the platform, where the sleigh finally let go of gravity and took to the sky. Though the reindeers' magic was different from Hiccup's, the way they were running and bouncing on the air reminded him the very first power he had discovered. The sleigh's take off was followed by North's laugh, a joyful exclaim from Hiccup and a terrified yelp from Bunny.

The fire wielder climbed the steps at the back so he could look down at the retreiving North Pole. It was not the first time he had flown above North's base and workshop, but it was the first time he was doing it onboard the sleigh, and that seemed to completely change the view.

''Hold on everryone, I know a shorrt-cut !''

''Oooh, screw ! I knew I shoulda take it ta the tunnels !'' Aster wailed, ears flat against the back of his skull.

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