Summer's over...

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School started for Raely in about a week, her and nicki went shopping and saw Peter in a lingerie store she started to walk towards him and noticed Jess was right there with him. After Peter saw her run towards the exit he chased after.

He said that Jess claimed they were friends and she said he should surprise her with that for their next date... She again believed him again... So they went out but they didn't do anything that Peter said he had planned and she wondered what would come of this..

The next morning Peter text her to go to the front door, he left flowers and candy at her front door with a card. The card read "I'm sorry for the other day, it was gonna be a surprise for you.. But put some jeans and boots on we're going to riding tonight yours truly, Peter".

Raely didn't know what Peter meant by riding but luckily she had a few clean pairs of boots and she put on her favorite faded boot cut blue jeans on and her Alan Jackson shirt and her tan boots with the teal pattern. Right at six thirty pm he showed up in a limo and she was confused but as he got out she see his Jeans and boots and she calmed down.

As they were on their way their she noticed that they had to change cars she thought it was odd to go from a limo to a pick-up but she was fine with it. They showed up at a ranch about ten minutes later, she noticed the most beautiful brown horse. They spent hours riding, they later went to a barbecue place for dinner.

After that night she noticed Peter acting strange. After that night she noticed Peter acting strange. She got a call from Nate saying they have been hanging out a lot lately, she told him they haven't hung out in a few days and after she said that she heard Peter and Jess in the background and Nate said he was sorry and had to go.

Raely ignored everything from Peter for a week, he finally showed up at her house and asked what was going on. Raely explained how she heard him and Jess when Nate said that they were hanging out a lot. He told her that Jess wouldn't leave them alone.

Peter was quite shocked when he found out Raely didn't believe him..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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