
18 2 6

I went to bed and realized that I had feelings for Derek.

I awoke to footsteps marching up the staircase,Since I was still haft asleep I was unaware of the danger this

Visitor might bring.

"Derek? Is that you?"

He didn't reply I got up and grabbed a my robe of the end of my bed,and walked close to the door.I could sense it...wolf, I scarmbed to the window hoping that it would open so I could climb out.

It didn't it was broken I had totally forgot.

I ran to the bathroom window,and tried this time it worked I slowly climbed out of the window and locked it behind me.I decided to shift so I could land on my feet in cat form,so I did I could hear the wolf growl as he discovered that I wasn't there. I ran deep into the woods until I bumped into a tall blonde man with a moustache, I hissed and backed away,I could sense the he was a werecat.

He shifted into a mountion lion.
I have never seen a mountion lion before!they were beautiful

I stopped thinking about his looks and ran I knew the wolf was

Coming.He stayed and I could hear them hissing and growling in the background.

It scared me,I ran until I couldn't any more.

I shifted into a human and huffed and puffed loudly.



"What are you doing in this part of the forest?" He asked with worried eyes.

"I was running from a wolf and I bumped into a werecat,I ran here looked for you"I replied as I pointed to the direction were I heard the growling.

"Stay here"he said as he stepped over sticks and stones,

I did what he said and climbed a tree and sat on the first branch waiting for him.

After about a hour or two i got sick of waiting,i leap down from the tree and proceeded to walk down the track that Derek had left.

I found a blood patch but no one was there, I made my way back to the house and saw Derek and the stranger on the front porch.

"Alex I need you to meet someone"he yelled out

I didn't reply just stood next to Derek.

"We meet again"he said with a grin

"Hi I'm beck" he continued

"Alex" I replied

"He's come to fight"Derek blurted out

"Oh come it" I said opening the door

"Of course"Beck replied

"So how are we going to do this"Beck asked.

This convocation was between Beck and Derek so I left and went to my room.

"Alex!"Derek called out after a while of talking.

I walked downstairs and answered

"You wanted me"

"Yes we did Beck wanted to know if you could him something to eat"Derek answered with a small giggle.

"I'm out of food I have to go to the market down town"I said as I growled at Beck.

"I'll come with you"Derek said kindly

"Okay but what about Beck I don't trust him in my house"I answered looking at Beck.

"He can come"he suggested

"Fine"I said as I walked to my silver four wheel drive.

I parked the car outside the front door and waited for Derek and Beck to hop in.

Derek took passenger seat and Beck sat in the back with his arms crossed.

The drive was ackward and no one said a word.

We arrived at the shops,Beck jumped out of the car and walked to the front doors while Derek helped me out.

I through to myself as Beck bumped into people without saying sorry.

Derek and me trailed behind Beck as he walked straight into the market,

I grabbed two hot loafs of bread,

Beck got three bags of apples and Derek got two blocks of cheese with three bottles of milk.

Beck ate six apples in the car and left apple cores all over my seats.

I couldn't stand how Rube and selfish he was but when I got to know him better, he was fine.

Since the was now three of us,

We did everything together,trained together, ate together, laughed together, they become like my brothers.

I hope you liked this chapter give me feedback,the side picture is of Beck in cat form and don't forget to vote......

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