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Derek,Beck and I were always there for eachother,Beck slept in the spare room and Derek slep on the coach. Derek and Beck would be take shifts to looks for wolfs.I would always sleep well now.

I awoke to a house of silence which was odd,since the boys would usually wake up by now and get ready for training but today was different.I slid out of bed and threw on a white lace top and denim shorts and a jacket to keep me warm.

I walked downstairs and tripped on a apple core.I bumped my head on the steps.

"Grrr Beck"I muttered under my breath as I steadied myself down the stairs.

When I got to the living Room Derek was there on the coach asleep.

"Derek wake up!!!"I yelled at him with a huge smile on my face.

"Five more minutes"he moaned

"Nope get up now"I replied

"Fine I'll meet you in the kitchen in ten"he said as he has stood up and yawned.

I walked up the stairs this time throwing the applecore away to Becks Room.

"Beck you in here?"

I pulled his sheets to the floor but Beck wasn't there.

"Derek!!"I called as loud as I could

"Yes!" He scearmed back

"Come here Now!"

I could hear his footsteps walking up the stairs,

"Is everything all right?"he asked once he reached Becks Room.

"Yea But do you know were Beck is?"

"No"he replied not seeming to care.

"He's probably just gone for a run"

He reassured me

"Yeah Your probably right"I said leaving Becks room and entered the kitchen.

I opened the front door onto the front porch and sat on the swigging chair and started to stare into the forest hoping that Beck would come back.

I could sense a werecat but it wasn't Derek, It was Beck but he was not alone."Beck were are you?"I yelled as I stood up and looked around.

"I'm over here"Beck said with a wave.A beautiful girl was walking next to him, She had light brown hair,quiet Tall and had flowers stuck in her hair.

"Alex I want you to meet Zoey"he said pointing to the girl.

"Hi Zoey I'm Alex" I said as I gave her a wave, I called Derek out to say hello.

"Hello my name is Derek"Derek said softly

"Nice to meet you Derek I'm Zoey"he replied with a smile.

We all went inside to have a small meeting.

"So now there are four of us and soon we will have more werecats joining"

Beck said as soon as we sat down.

"Yes we will develop a big group which will help us defeat the Wolf's"Derek answered.

I didn't say any thing only nodded to what Beck and Derek was saying,Once the meeting was over I when up to my room and when to bed I couldn't stand to be around that Zoey person any longer.

I woke up to the wonderful smell of Bacon. I got dressed and ran downstairs.Zoey was cooking breakfast while the boys played X-Box.
Grrr im the one that should be cooking not her

I growled in my head.

Zoey spoke in a British Accent and smiled far too much.But I could see that she had a liken to Beck.
Silly girl Becks far to perfect for her

I didn't like Zoey and I don't like she liked me either.
I hope you guys liked thing chapter its a bit of track but still,the side pictures of Beck,Derek and Alex....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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