Chapter 2

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Sana and Tzuyu are on the back seat, both sitting near the window.
Their father looks at the rearview mirror, and noticed them.

"Did you guys fight again?" The man asked

The girls at the back flinch at the same time "No" they answer in unison

Their Mom look back "You're both grown up now, I know there are things that you don't like about each other... But please, don't fight"

Usually, Sana and Tzuyu will argue, and blame one another whenever their parents talk to them about siblings fight. But this time, they just nod, and agree to their mother.

Their parents are driving them to University. Their father which is Tzuyu's biological Dad, and their Mom, Sana's biological mother, loves to send them to school every morning before they head to the office.

When their parents dropped them on the University's gate, Tzuyu and Sana remained silent.

"Uhm... I'll go this way" Tzuyu awkwardly utter, and point at the west part

Sana nodded "Okay"

"Should we go home together?" Tzuyu asked

Sana lift her head and face the latter "Ye-yeah sure... If our professor dismiss us early, I'll go to your building"

"Okay unnie" Tzuyu replied with a smile

Sana smiled as well, this is the bond that they lost when they got busy with school works. Thought they fight all the time, they're still close.


Tzuyu's first period ended, their next class for the day will be in one and a half hour.
Right now, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are together, and were sitting on the bench on the rooftop.
Chaeyoung noticed that Tzuyu's not in herself, the latter end up telling her about what happened last night.

"It's fine... Just no penetration, or else you'll break the rule" Chaeyoung

"What rule?" Tzuyu asked in confusion

"The siblings rule" Chaeyoung

"Where the hell did you learn that?" Tzuyu

"Dad said, the reason why I have this thing unlike the others" Chaeyoung points at her crotch "Is because I'm here to multiply"

"Yah!" Tzuyu hissed

"What?" Chaeyoung asked, innocently "We're special, that's what Dad called us... there's reason why we have a penis in this body... But I'm telling you, there are rules"

"Have you ever tried it?" Tzuyu suddenly asked

"Tried what?" Chaeyoung

"Doing it" Tzuyu

Chaeyoung's eyebrows furrowed "Doing what?"

Tzuyu look around before speaking "Sex" she whispered

Chaeyoung shook her head "Nah... Just masturbate"

"You speak like you're used to it" Tzuyu

"What do you expect? I'm a teenager" Chaeyoung pat Tzuyu's arm "But I'm curious"

"Do you think we should start dating a girl?" Tzuyu

"Of course... But what if they found out that we're different? They might runaway"

Tzuyu couldn't say a word. She do understand the latter, that's also the reason why she never dated someone. She's afraid, just like Chaeyoung...
That people won't accept them, and the worst part is what if the person they love, won't love them back because they're different.

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