Why did you say yes?

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"Anika!" He called out hurriedly sprinting towards her. It wa supposed to be a celebration night. But he could only feel suffocated and anything but happy. 

He didn't know why he was chasing Anika now. He shouldn't be doing it. He was all set to get married to Tia. He was the one who had pulled the wedding date closer. 

It was all lies. He knew or at least had an idea. But he wouldn't accept that. No, he didn't have any affectionate feelings for Anika. She was just a... wedding planner. But he knew, he knew that Anika had developed soft feelings for him. He saw it in her eyes, everytime she looked at him. He saw it in the hesitation that overpowered her when she was around him lately. He saw it in those stolen glances and unnecessary brushed of their fingers.

"Anika!" He finally caught up and held her wrist. His sharp eyes catching glimpse of the diamond solitaire, Daksh had put on her ring finger.

"What is it now?" She asked irritated.

"Why didn't you stop?" He asked huffing and puffing

Anika looked away. She looked annoyed. "I need to get home."

"Why did you say a yes?" He asked not looking away from her face for a minute with the fear of missing out on what her expression conveyed.

"Because he asked..." her mouth had said aloud the answer before her mind had the chance to formulate it better.

Shivaay stared at her. He wondered how she always managed to triple up his annoyance with nothing. "So anyone comes and asks you to marry him, you will say yes?"

"No!" She answered throwing at him a gaze that shouted 'you're being ridiculous!'

"Then? Why did you say yes?" He asked his irritation shooting up.

"What's your problem if I did say a 'yes'?" She asked clearly irked, pulling up the strap of her bag. She noted that he still held her hand.

"I need to know." He shot back at her.

"Look, Mister Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I need to get home. I don't have time for your pointless inquiry!" She exclaimed and turned around. What did he think of himself? The world may spin as he dictates but she wasn't in that world.

"Anika, what the hell is your damn problem?" He hollered, grabbing his arm and causing her to turn to look at him.

She glared at him. Gentleman my foot, this one man didn't even know how to behave at times. May those stupid magazines be damned that keep praising his virtues. "Leave my hand!" She warned.

"Not until you answer my questions!" He seethed dragging her back into the house.

"Shivaay, leave me!" She warned trying to get rid of his hold. "I am not answerable to you for anything!" 

Shivaay's thin patience snapped. He turned around and glare at her. "You are not going anywhere before answering me." He declared standing underneath the tree.

"Give me one reason to answer your stupid questions." She challenged, finally freeing her hand from his hold.

"Because you owe me that much!" He spat.

She let out a deep breath. "I don't owe you anything, Shivaay." Her gaze had softened as she looked at him.

"You do Anika."

Anika looked away momentarily. She'd never really be able to figure out this man. She was glad that she had buried the few feelings she had discovered in her heart for him. Putting up a brave face she looked at him again. "I said yes, because I wanted to. He seems like a nice guy. He doesn't seem to have a problem with me, lack of a family or good education. I said 'no' to him the first time but that didn't dissuade him from asking again in front of everyone. He didn't care about what if she said no. He felt he should, and he did it."

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