『Chapter 1』

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The squeaks of the shoes, the slam of the ball, the excitement and exhaustion in the air. Playing with friends and team mates,winning and losing, and the pressure and fun. It's the things I've missed about VolleyBall.

I am finally coming back to all of it. Going to Karasuno with my Best friends and starting a new volleyball chapter.


6:00am on a Monday morning. The time and day every hates.

Well maybe besides Yuki. Yuki Konoshi a first year at Karasuno high. Today was their first day of school, and Yuki hated that school started so early. Yes, Yuki liked school but they didn't like waking up even when the sun wasn't awake.

"Ugh, I know I promised Hinata I'd walk with him to school but I don't wanna anymore. Maybe I can just lay here and everyone will forget about me." Yuki regrets what they just said as they hear the peppy happy voice of his friend.

"KONOSHIIIII TIME FOR SCHOOOOOOL WAKE UP LAZY HEAD!!!!" Hinata says as he comes barging in.

"HINATA AT LEAST GIVE ME A MINUTE TO WAKE UP BOKE" you screech at the over enthusiastic boy.

Hinata starts walking out his voice getting quieter with each moment"Fine, fine, but I'm coming back in here in five minutes. Don't want you falling back asleeeeep."

You get dressed in the school uniform not ready for the day to start. As you walk down the hall you notice something.

"Hey dad where did the energetic pipsqueak go?" You ask whilst grabbing a bowl of rice.

"He's outside, he'd said he'll wait for you to finish eating. Also kiddo don't forget your lunch like last year" your dad says smuggly.

"Yeah yeah shush about that. Lemme eat in PEACE for once."

Once you finish eating you grab your bag and your bento box. "Thanks dad, I should be home around five." You say while knowing Hinata will drag you to the volleyball club.

"Bye kiddo" your dad says while cleaning up breakfast.

As you and Hinata walk to school he chats on and on about what volleyball will be like this year.

When you come to a random stop Hinata looks back questionabley.

"Baka did you forget we have to pick up Adara?" You said.

"No I didn't! I just didn't see her." He says accusingly.

Both Hinata and you jump at the sound.

You both see a purple haired girl waving to you both with what looked like a angry slightly older looking woman in the window.

"What went on there?" You signed slightly scared to see the answer.

Adara signs back 'What? Nothing happened I walked out the door like a normal person'.
You sign back saying 'Uh Adara you slammed the door and I think your moms mad now?'

Adara has a surprised look on her face but shrugges it off and starts walking.

"We'll come on Hinata. You don't wanna miss the first day of school and miss volleyball practice?" You say amusingly while Hinata runs to catch up with Adara and you.

〜〜〜〜〜〜TIME SKIP〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜

As the three kids walk up to the school they see a flash of orange hair wiz bye.

"Where in the world is that kid going?" You wonder out loud.

You ignore him as you look down at the paper in your hands.

"Adara I have class 1-3 what class do you have?"

'I have class 1-4. I wish we could've had first period together.'

"Yeah me too but maybe we will have a class together during another period." You say as positively as possible.

You were wrong it was the end of the day and you had only seen Adara in the morning before school and during lunch. You, Adara, and Hinata decided to meet at the end of the first year hall at the end of the day. So that's where you were currently, along with Adara.

"Where is that kid, man" you say already exhausted from the school day. Again you regret your words as soon as you said them. A orange blur comes rocketing down the hallway ready to run outside.

"Hold it flash." You say to the squirmy boy beneath you.

"Come on Yukiiiiiii let me get to the gym. We are supposed to hand in our papers to sign up." You let go of the boy after he complains on and on. Suddenly you feel a tap on your shoulder, one you've felt multiple times before.

'Hey I'm going to head to the girls Volleyball gym. Keep Hinata in check while I'm gone alright.'

"HEY! I DONT NEED TO BE KEPT IN CHECK!" Your idiotic friend screeches at what seems like the top of his lungs will running away from your grasp.

You go to run after the little bug, but you hear shouting.

"YOUR HEAR TOO!!!???" Nevermind that is the top of his lungs. You sweat drop knowing already who it was.

You walk up to Hinata and see the ball hit Kageyama Tobio the king of the court.

Your laughing your head off silently while Hinata and Kageyama are standing there like idiots.

Well my flowers I hope that was a pretty good Chapter 1. I know it may be kinda boring now but I have to introduce everything. Honestly I have no clue where this is gonna lead. I'm also rewatching all of Haikyuu while writing this and it's the dub version this time. Yikes their voices are weird. I guess I'm just used to their voices in the subs.

Anyways I hope you flowers have a good day oh and a good thanksgiving since that's coming soon.

,The Author

(953 words)

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