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The fuck buddies: Harlow and Daniel

"So this hugeee wave was coming out of know where and Jack being a dumbass clearly didn't see it coming. Next thing we all here is a high pitch scream and we all though Jack was gonna drown." Zach said around the fire with the group, Atlas and Valentina included.

"That's because I WAS DROWNING!" Jack said with his eyebrows raised and throws up his hands.

Everyone laughed at the story, and mostly because half of the group was drunk and found absolutely anything funny. I watch Valentina lay her hand on Zach's arm and she bends over laughing, Zach leaning on her as well.

"Dude Val, can you breath?" Jack asked as his laugh started to calm down, noticing the girl next to him was red in the face from laughing too hard.

"I'm good." She said as she in between gasps of air, leaning back up straight and calmed down, giving Jack a smile as he contuined to leave his hand on her back.

"I'm getting another drink." I said as I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Want me to come with?" Jack said as he looked up at me from across the fire, he was sitting in between Valentina and Corbyn.

"No, have fun with her, come in Harlow."

Daniel POV
The group grew quiet as the two girls took off towards the drinking table. I could feel Valentina grow upset and awkward, watching her shoulder sink and bringing her hands to her lap.

"Don't mind her, I don't know what the hell is up her ass but she is never like this." Jack said as he turned his head to watch Lucy walk away, then bringing this attention back to us.

"I think thats a que to leave then." Atlas said as she looked at her best friend sitting in between Zach and Jack. She gets up from Corbyn, who stood up quickly as well.

"You don't have too-"

"I appreciate that but it seems that we might not be wanted anymore."

"Here I'll go talk to them, just stay until I find out something. Please?"

The two girls looked at each other, Atlas sighing as she sat back down, "Fine."

I smiled and clasped my hands together, "Okay, good."

"I'm coming with." My sister said as she pulled her way out of Jonah arms and stood next to me. "Let's go."

We both made our way over to the girls who were now talking to two different guys. The second Lucy saw me, she rolled her head and tapped Harlow shoulder, who was leaning on one of the guys to just make me mad.

"What the hell was that about?" Cyrus said as she crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

I was always happy my sister was the one who was the stern one between us two growing up.

"What are you even talking about?" Lucy said as she tilted her head and played dumb.

"Oh come on, let's just do this somewhere else." I said as I realized the two other boys were still standing next to Harlow and Lucy. I reached out for Harlow wrist but she yanked it away.

"Aw, so now you want to go off with me but couldn't earlier? Get your priorities straight Seavey."

"I'm sorry," Cyrus said as she took a step up, standing in between the two girls and their random boys. "My friends have clearly had one two many drinks and are fucked in the head right now. So you two can take your horny ass's back to where ever you washed up, not every girl wants your dick so put your ego back where it belongs. Thank you."

Cyrus then grabbed the two girls wrist and yanked them away from the boys. I put my arm around Harlow, knowing I could not touch her in a way that would cause a scene, you can't out your hand on a girl like that ever.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Lucy said loudly.

"With me? Sweetheart your boyfriend over there is not trying to get with them. He loves you and I'm sorry he's just having a good time."

"Not my boyfriend."

"Oh for fuck sake he practically is!"

"And you Daniel, why did you turn me down the way you did back there?" Harlow said as she looked up at me.

I glanced at Lucy and Cyrus who were still going at it, taking Harlow hand and stepping the the side to have our own conversation.

"Listen I'm sorry about that but I don't want to do that with you today."

"Okay but you didn't have to say it like that, I thought I did something wrong or I just was starting to be not good enough-"

"No it's not like that I swear."

"So then what is it Dani?"

I relaxed my shoulders. It's because I caught feelings for a girl who sees my nothing more than a guy she sleeps with for pleasure. We promised each other to never catch feelings, and the more I do things with her the harder it becomes. If I ever were to date her, it all feels fake. Everything had been done and it won't be special, and that's why I get awkward. But I can't tell her that, she'd slap me for catching feelings.

"I- I can't explain."

"Well for today you're forgiven but why are you being like this? We have been doing us for who knows how long now and it has never once been awkward. So once you figure yourself out, we're pausing."

Oh thank god.


"Not now Daniel." She said as she turned away from me and started walking back towards the group.

"Someone about that Valentines girl is just off, she's throwing herself at BOTH Zach and Jack. She knows they're famous as well if you're clearly to blind to notice."

"Bro Lucy calm down." My sister said as I walked back over to the two of them. "They don't see like those types of girls and look at you! Sure you were friends with Jack first but we all knew you two lowkey feel off for awhile. Is that something you're to blind to notice?" She said, snapping back.

"Her name is actually Valentina and if you weren't such a petty child, you would have noticed that at the fire. Now suck it up and act your fucking age." I said as I grabbed my sister arm. I started to pull her away when I notice Jack, Zach, and Valentina were walking in our direction.

"We're gonna take her home in Atlas car. She wants to stay but Atlas insisted that Val go home because she's too drunk and tired. " Jack said as she was leaning on his arm, eyes almost closed. Zach was standing next to her with Atlas keys in one hand and his other was holding the girls hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I'm driving. Plus when Corbyn takes Atlas home in a few hours he'll grab us from their home."

Zach and Jonah were the only ones who didn't have a sip of alcohol so I trusted him. Corbyn had one Whitelaw about an hour ago so he's in an okay shape to take Atlas home whenever she is ready.

"But the both of you two need to go?" Cyrus asked as she, Lucy and I faced the three teens in front of us, Lucy clearly still annoyed and confused.

"Yeah," Jack said as he eyed Lucy up and down. "The party's lame anyways."

And with that, he pushed past the three of us and started to help Valentina to the car as Zach awkwardly stood in front of us.

"Sorry Lu... but we'll see you guys later."

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