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"Hey, where are you going all dressed up?"I asked my friend who came down the stairs, hair flat ironed as she wasn't in a pair of sweats per usual. Atlas never flattens her hair, something about the environment but once she starts talking about that, I tune her out. Don't get me wrong I love her to death, but I don't need an hour rant about how saving one spiders life could solve our world problems.

"We're going to Corbyn's and Jonah's place."

"I must of hit my head cause it sounded like you said we're. As in the both of us. I definitely hit my head right?"

She let out a laugh as she practically pushed me off the sofa. "No, you're coming with. I would be fine if it was Zach's place but its only the five boys plus Cyrus, and that's awkward going somewhere new."

"Where are the other two girls?" I asked as I thanked god in my head that they wouldn't be there.

"Lucy started her practice for Broadway while Harlow went out to eat with her parents."

"Broadway?? What else can't she do..." I said as she was basically miss perfect, except the attitude part. But I won't talk about that."

"Now please get dressed, quickly this time! I don't need another incident like last time."


"I THOUGHT YOU WERE ALREADY IN THE CAR!" She yelled back through her laughs, only causing me to smile as I walked to my room.

About fourty five minutes later we were pulling into their neighborhood, turns out they live about ten minutes away from us but we got lost on the way here. Out ten minute trip turned into a thirty.

"Damn, their house in nice." I said as she pulled into the driveway, all of their car wither in the street or in the driveway in front of us.

"For real, I bet their interior design is amazing."

"Bro... why?"I said as I furrowed my eyebrows and opened up the car door.

"Corbyn loves house designing."

I smirked at her, "You must talk A LOT to get onto the topic of interior design."

"Oh shut up-" She said as she shoved me a bit right ad the front door opened to reveal Jonah.

"Am I watching friend abuse happen?"

"YES! PLEASE SAVE ME!" I yelled jokingly, walking to the front door as he scooted over and let us in.

Jonah went for a hug which I abundantly turned to the right to give him a side hug, feeling weird as he awkwardly wrapped one arm around my shoulder. I knew he could tell something was up when I moved, an awkward tension growing between us.

"Where are the boys?" Atlas asked as they hugged as well.

"IS THAT ATLAS?" I heard Corbyn's voice coming from the upstairs. Within seconds a blonde boy was peering over the railing, smiling as he saw Atlas.

"I haven't seen him react to anyone like this in weeks. Especially to a girl in months." Jonah said quietly to me, hitting my shoulder with his elbow due to him being taller than me.

"IS VALENTINA HERE TOO!?" I heard Daniel yell from up stairs as well.

"YES!" Corbyn screamed as he ran down the stairs and bolted to Atlas, ingulfing her in his arms as they hug.

"VALETINAAAA!" Daniel yelled the entire time he ran down the stairs nearly tripping. He ran over to me and paused as he was now face to face with me. We talked with our eyes for a second, me then opening my arms as he smiled brightly and gives me a nice, but short hug.

There was something about Daniel that made me feel relaxed. We would be up for house texting, but definitely not in that way in any shape or form. He was a friend that I haven't had in awhile, besides Atlas. I opened up to Daniel about my touching situation, it wasn't easy but he finally understood. He still tried to apologize but it's not his fault, he didn't go through why I did. All I knew is that all five boys knew I had a problem with touch, they found out because during our prank Las to Corbyn that I don't do the whole I wanna touch you everywhere thing.

"Jack and Zach went out to go get Chipotle while Cyrus is up stairs in my room." Jonah said as he answered my question before us two girls were swarmed by Corbyn and Daniel.

"Speaking of, let's give you two a house tour."

After a long and very funny house tour because of what we found in Zach's room and the stories told in Jack's. the two other boys were back and we are all now sitting around in the kitchen and talking.

"Zach how can you be the youngest and be the first one to end up with alcohol poisioning?" I asked as I watch Las go into a laugh attack, her face turning beet red as she hunched over.

"In my defense, it means I'm the life of the party."

"Noooo, it means you ruin the party cause we had to take you to the emergency room. You're lucky your parents never found out." Jonah uttered as he was eating some of his food, but mainly drinking his coffee.

"No need to attack me!"

"You're just a pussy get over it!" Corbyn hollered as he leaned on Atlas, the both of them now laughing together. Within seconds Corbyn is practically climbing on top of her as he points on to the ground, "I fucking hate spiders, kill it!"

"And you call me a pussy you bitch..."

"Zachary you child, shut up." Jonah said as he leaned off the counter. "Corbyn a spider won't kill you."

"Yes it will, so kill it!"

"Corbyn I'll fucking punch you if you kill the spider." Atlas said as she slapped his shoulder.

"I'm not fucking touching that thing!" He said as his voice sqeaked and threw his arms up in defense.

"Just making sure..."

Jonah rolls his eyes and grabs a piece of paper, bending down and making the paper crawl onto it before he walks to the back down and let's it out.

"Such a nature boy." Cyrus said as he swipes Daniel's drink from him, him pouting but deep down he couldn't care less.

"I bet him and Atlas would be great girlscouts together." I said as they both seemed to get offended.

"Nature is beautiful, bitch."

"Yeah, you live on one Earth and you want to trash it? Did you know-"

"PLEASE NO!" We all yelled at them, both Jonah and Atlas rolling their eyes and the talk of nature was shut down.

"You guys are no fun."

𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘛𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘔𝘦 ; 𝘻𝘩Where stories live. Discover now