the honorable villarreal academy

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himangi was awfully excited for the new term at villarreal academy. she twirled around in front of her mirror, showing off her new clothes she had bought for the new day back at the academy. she was new there, one of the 3 new people they accepted at the school. villarreal academy was awfully honors-only. himangi would be arriving at the school by train, since her house was far too long away from castellac valley, which was where the prideful school was located. the students were only allowed to dress as they wished on the day of arrival. after that, the school provided the cute uniforms. (yes, uniforms are cute here, it's the world according to ganga)

she was dropped off at the local station, which had a second platform dedicated to castellac valley today. she looked around to see if she would be able to recognize anyone, but then realized that everyone else was in different clothing too. suddenly, lights at the station went red, and a large, loud train slowly made its stop. she assumed this was the train for the academy, since right on the doors, in big large red-and-gold letters, the words "VILLARREAL ACADEMY" were painted. her excitement pumped up, as she said her goodbyes to her parents, and headed into the train. that must have been a mistake, because a bunch of older kids yelled out to her. "oi! third-former! where you headin?" himangi blushed red with embarrassment, as she remembered that all the new kids were supposed to be directed to their housemistress. "sorry.." she called out, feeling small. she stepped out of the train, and went to find her parents. but they were nowhere to be found. so she looked at the sheet of paper the school had sent her the day earlier, which told himangi about her tower, housemistress, dormy, etc.

she was walking forward somewhere in the station, looking down at the paper, when she bumped into someone. she looked up. "i am so sorry, i should have been watching where i was going.." the guy was really sweet! "thats fine! are you in form 3?" she was ecstatic. finally, someone who was her age! "yes! i'm himangi. uhm.. if you wouldn't mind.. where's our housemistress? i'm new so.." the guy smiled cutely at her. "that's no problem! i can help you find her. i'm charles, by the way, but everyone calls me charlie, haha." the pair went off to the housemistress, ms. minaj. "the housemistress over there, that's ms. minaj. but everyone calls her onika. i've been in this school since form 1 but i still can't figure out why.." they made their way over to the housemistress, who looked strict, but had a pretty smile.

'onika' was the head of the eastern tower, which held ¼ of the school's students. although separated by their different forms/ages, all the students of west tower would join together for meals, picnics, or just lounging about the common rooms. the dormies were located next to the common rooms of each different form, the sixth form being at the highest level of the tower. it was the same for each and every one of the four towers. as for classes, and other extracurricular activities, those were held in the classes in between the different towers, with people from different towers joining in those. "ms. minaj.. i have a new student! she's in east tower. her name is himangi." ms. minaj looked up from her papers. "himangi nepal? the train starts in 5, get in so i can cross you off my list.."

himangi could finally board the train after her stupidity earlier. 'charlie' got in after her. he led the way for her, to the cabin 3rd formers usually sat at. it was wide and spacious, and there was already other people there. most people were coming in train, but some would arrive to the school by car. himangi looked at everyone. most people were conversing with their old friends, some reading books, some solemnly looking out of the windows, etc. she did not have time to feel lonely though, as charles led her through the cabin to a nice table seat. the students sat across from each other. in 5 minutes time, more students flew into the cabins, hurriedly saying goodbyes to their family. himangi looked back at charles. he was actually cute. his hair seemed to be dyed. she was taller than him.

suddenly she heard a scornful voice. "my word! look outside! it's the regular circus show everyone!" everyone turned to look out the enormous wood-framed windows. on the platform there was a mother clinging on to her sobbing son. the son looked at his mother, then his audience back in the train, and scowled. "hear hear! johnny is near!" said the deep voice of the same girl who made the circus remark. everyone roared with laughter. johnny's scowl deepened. he stepped into the third-form cabin just as the train set off. himangi looked at the girl who said that. she was a tall, pretty, muscular girl, with a nice grin, and pretty hands. she noticed himangi looking at her, so she smiled. himangi blushed and smiled back, turning to charles. "ah himangi, johnny's a bad sort. that's the one bad thing about east tower. i do hope this marvellous school does something to fix his weak character and..." rambled charles.

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