Explanation - 29 Nov 2020

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Ok so reader has power stone powers (almost the same as Carol). She meets Clint in the battle of NY, when she helps with the chitauri and she's the one to take care of the missile, not Tony

Basically, you and Clint start dating, and he leaves to live at the avengers tower. He proposes while he and Nat live there, and a couple days later Nick Fury approaches you to ask if you would join the Avengers Initiative. You agree, moving to the tower as well.

You live there until you and Clint get married, in a small courthouse ceremony with the shield team, Nat, and your family (since his is... gone, to put it nicely)
You then move to the farmhouse, as does Clint, and you stop going on Avengers missions and stick to shield. Clint continues, he just doesn't live there and does less with them.
You get pregnant, have cooper, get pregnant again, have Lila, and you just had Nathaniel when AOU happens. After they come to the farmhouse, you join them, having gotten back in shape and bottle-feeding Nathaniel. (When you see Wanda—she's not at the farmhouse, later—she has 'joined' the team)
You and Thor have a similar vision, the same but with yours going into more detail. You decide to wait until Ultron is defeated to figure it out, and leave from Sokovia to space, telling Clint it'll be "2-6 months on the long end, a year at the very most—and that's stretching it. If I'm not back in a year, I'm either dead, kidnapped, or physically unable to come."
Then you go to rest of plot (explained in "explanation")

She then joins the avengers (and ends up in ragnarok after aou, not civil war)

See, she leaves aou because of something she saw or something idk, and first meets Carol, then the guardians, (post-gotg1 pre-gotg2) then finds thanos after 7 mos of searching. (After finding the reality stone and giving it to Carol for safekeeping) Fights thanos, loses, basically enslaved there for four mos, then taken to sakaar, where she beats Hulk and they are co-champions or whatever. She's there when Thor arrives, and helps them all to escape, befriending Valkyrie and helping to trigger ragnarok (oh and did I mention she's also a s. slave and nebulas mom)

On the ship, she fights thanos again, but leaves with Bruce and arrives at the park where she helps bruce, Tony, and the wizards fight.

Instead of going to Titan, she goes to London, helping fight them before going to titan instead of wakanda. Picks up reality stone from Carol otw, and helps fight thanos—this time, almost winning and losing, YET AGAIN. (This is what, 3rd time? Yeah, third times not the charm)

Flys back to wakanda, stopping by vormir and learning about the soul stone. Then helps fight, meeting up with Clint for the first time in 6 years otw but not being able to see her kids (btw they had three kids between battle of ny and aou)

After they lose, her almost dying, (golly, 4th time) sees Carol again and they talk, Clint is there (kids were dusted) and they go find Tony and Nebula together. (Y/n Speaks groot)

Has two more kids in five year time span, lives with Clint and visits pepper and Tony almost weekly. Morgan's godmother and very close to the three.

She visits as Scott and them are there, and gets into an argument with them. Goes back home but Tony calls after calculating, and reluctantly agrees.

Goes to vormir with Nat, saying Nat shouldn't go rocket should bc they're important but he's the only one who takes that into account the rest will do dumb shit. sacrifices herself, but gets snapped back bc she was half alive bc of power stone

Flies to the facility, with much less good power things, meeting up with strange otw and him doing a portal for her. She gets there and fights, eventually stealing power stone from thanos before Tony can and basically becoming one with it, it in her blood color and eye color and two crystals on the inside of her wrist

Snaps instead of Tony bc he can't (not without power stone). Survives but goes to the hospital. Has to create a new stone, but manages to do so while keeping the old one inside, to return.

Steve and Nat got married a lil while ago, he comes back.

Befriends Cassie, and Peter, and Scott.

Basically ends up happy but hard (also has five kids now, not counting nebula, so yeah)

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