Proposal Chapter (2.5)

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A/n: this one was supposed to be two chapters, but both were rather short, so I combined them lol


You open your door at the knock, knowing who is outside. With a wave to your new roommate, Skye (a/n: yes, it's Daisy Johnson) you step outside, closing the door behind you.

"Nat?" You ask, shocked. "Is Clint okay? Did he have to go on a mission?"

She smirks. "Nah, he asked me to accompany you."

Now, you're just confused. "Accompany me where? On my date?" You say slowly.

Her grin grows wider, as she opens her mouth to respond, but a ding! from your phone stops her. You check it to see a text from Clint. Is Nat there yet?

You sigh, calling him. Your boyfriend picks up on the first ring.

"Yello?" He asks. "She there?"

"Yeah," you answer, glancing at your best friend, "She just got here. What is this, Clint?"

"It's a scavenger hunt!" He is clearly excited. "Your first clue is: find the place where we eat the most meals, well, the most bad ones at least."

You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, exasperated. "That's all I get?"

"That's all you get."

"What do you think I am, some kind of mind reader?" You tease. Clint laughs.

"Now that would be cool. If we ever have powered kids, let's hope they get that, yeah?" He returns your energy.

You wrinkle your nose at the thought. "You want your kids to read your mind, even during... certain things?"

"Oh." His response causes you to burst out laughing, but he quickly returns to the matter at hand. "Where we eat bad food, okay?"

Clint hangs up before you can respond, and you cock an eyebrow at Natasha as you put your phone away. She shrugs in response to your unspoken question—do you have any idea where he's going with this?

*le time skip, brought to you by tube socks (comment if you get the reference, you are a legend)*

You follow through with the treasure hunt, going to the cafeteria for the first clue and finding a piece of paper with the next one, and so on and so forth—some including one at the movie theater, one in the gym where you kissed, a couple over the base and elsewhere in the city, one where you went on your coffee dates, and some including quotes and references to your favorite books and movies. You get to your last one, which reads, your feet are getting sore now and you probably hate this, but go to the place where our first date was.

Nat drives you to the park where you and Clint had your first date, dropping you off at his car and driving off. You look around, unable to find your next clue, when you see Clint, a picnic set up at his feet.

You walk fast to him, kissing him and relaxing into his embrace.

"Sorry my rhyming skills suck." Your boyfriend is the first to speak.

You look up lovingly. "It was sweet. And it was all like personalized spots, not just random ones, which made it better."

"Well." He smiles at you. "I'm glad." As he breaks away and kneels down, you stare at him, confused. It all clicks into place when he pulls a black velvet box out of his pocket.

Before he even opens it, you've clapped both hands over your mouth, nodding vigorously as happy tears glisten in your eyes and threaten to fall. "Yes, yes!" You say.

Clint laughs. "You can't say that yet, I haven't even asked you yet."

You roll your eyes. "Get on with it, then!" You tease, slapping his arm lightly. He cocks an eyebrow.

"Do you want this or not? Because your actions seem to indicate otherwise, and you might've said yes but you know what they say, actions speak louder than words."

You raise your eyebrows in an I-can't-believe-your-childishness expression and he shuts up before finally speaking.

"Y/n, you are the most amazing thing to happen to me. You are beautiful and kind and so smart and just insanely great, it amazes me every morning when I wake up and remember that I get to date you. All of the memories we've had, the ones from the scavenger hunt and countless others that I replay, have made my life perfect, and I want to make more for the rest of it. You have made me so happy, and I want to return the favor. So, will you, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes!" You shout the word you've been waiting to say, and he grins goofily as if you've given him the moon. Your boyfriend—fiancé, you mentally correct yourself—slides the ring, a rose-gold band with a medium sapphire in the middle and small diamonds on either side, on your finger before standing and picking you up, twirling you around. Your euphoric expression mirrors his own as you throw your head back, smiling.

The two of you kiss, before sitting down on the blanket he laid out. Clint lays out all of your favorite foods, and you relax your head on your shoulder as you eat, laughing and talking throughout the evening, before stargazing until the two of you have to go back to your respective homes.

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