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"I think I'm a psychopath."

I sit up. "Huh?"

"I've killed several tiny animals so that I could bring them back to life."

"Hm," I begin, not exactly knowing how to respond. I look into Claire's eyes, she looks like she hasn't slept in a while. "Yeah you might be a psychopath," I yawn as I lay back onto my bed.

"You're not being very compassionate right now."

"When are we ever compassionate? Have you ever done any research at all on our zodiac signs?"

"The fuck is a zodiac sign?" asks Fred from the doorway.

"Muggle shit, you're an Aries like me," I respond. "Come get your psychopath girlfriend."

Fred chuckles. "Killing small animals again, love?" She nods and he throws her over his shoulder, carrying her out of the room.

Today is muggle Valentine's Day, where all these simple, non magical creatures get little heart shaped presents to give to someone they love. I find it all quite silly, but George is adamant that we celebrate it. I begin to dress myself, changing from pajama pants and a sweater to slacks and an even nicer sweater. I run my hands through my hair, getting rid of any small knots, and then I put it in a fresh braid.

"Morning," a low voice says from the doorway.

"Hi babes," I say without looking away from the mirror. His footsteps get louder as he approaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

"You look beautiful," he whispers in my ear.

I spin around and face him, cupping his face and putting his forehead on mine. "It's very cold this morning."

He pulls away to laugh. "That's how you decided to respond? I call you beautiful and you talk about the weather, so rude." He dramatically sighs and plops himself on my bed.

"Because it is cold! It's February!"

"The damage is already done, my heart hath been smashed open by thine ugly words," he says, clenching his chest.

"Why the fuck are you talking like that?" I laugh jumping on top of him.

"OUCH! You could've just broken the family jewels," he exclaims, referring to his crotch.

"Well lucky for you, it wouldn't matter if I made you infertile because Merlin knows your siblings will be popping out Weasleys left and right."

He sits up. "Yes, but none of them would have your beautiful eyes."

He pulls me in for a soft kiss, his palm on my cheek. "Good thing we don't have to think about that one for a while."

We walk downstairs, hand in hand per usual, into the Great Hall. Once seated, he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I reach for the water but he slaps my hand away.

"Why'd you do that?" I shouted at him, cradling my stinging hand.

"I want to pour it," George replies, ignoring my anger.

I roll my eyes. "I have hands, love, I'm perfectly capable of pouring for myself."

"Yeah yeah, whatever I'm celebrating Valentine's day."

Claire chokes on her water. "Valentine's day? He was actually serious about that?"

"Why so nervous, Freddie?" George teases. "Scared Claire's gonna give you a beating 'cos you thought my romantic gesture is stupid?"

I slap George's arm. "Why do you need a holiday to be nice to me? This should be an all-year type of thing, but we don't need you pouring water for me. we are independent women!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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