The Point of No Return

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Hyde sucked in a breath as he rushed across the rooftops, his best friend (maybe more), William Mortacai following after. The blonde suddenly laughed.
"Ah~ The night truly is the best..." He stated, hanging off a flag pole. Mortacai came up next to him, and noticed two figures on the ground. One had wild black hair, and the other was clad in different shades of orange with long hair. William wasn't sure of the colour in this light. The raven haired one was terrorizing and breaking everything they could see as the other watched.
"Edward. Look." Mortacai pointed at the figures. The blond looked over, and grinned.
"Ohhoho~! Seems we have more company this fine night!" He proclaimed, hopping from rooftop to rooftop to get to the ground, Mortacai following after. Hyde cleared his throat as he walked up to the duo. The blacked haired man paused and looked back at Edward.
"Who're you two?" He asked, his voice hoarse. Something about him seemed deformed, but Edward wasn't able to place what.
"I am the Spirit of London at Night! And this," Hyde dramatically gestured to Mortacai, "is the Demon of London!!"
"A demon, hm?" The orange clad figure spoke, his voice gravelly and deep. "He doesn't look like any demon I've seen. And you don't look like a night spirit." He stated. Mortacai narrowed his eyes.
"I can assure you, neither of us mean harm to you. We would have done so already." He said, his icy gaze piercing the other's soul, if he had one. Hyde felt his cheeks heat up, and quickly spoke, changing the topic of conversation.
"Well, we need things to call you two!" He stated, "since you seem not so stuck up as others." He added, a grin crossing his face.
"Bwahahah! You really think we'd be as stuck up as the snobby rich bastards?!" The raven haired man laughed. "We have no need to act like that. We can take whatever we please." He grinned, showing off his sharp teeth.
"We still need a name." Mortacai stated, trying to deescalate the situation before the black haired one did anything he'd regret.
"Tch... Mine is Edward Hyde." Hyde(?) answered.
"It's William Mortacai." Mortacai(?) answered. The other two looked confused.
"Those are our names." The first Hyde said.
"But I've never met you in my life." The second Hyde stated.
"Neither have I!" The first Hyde exclaimed. Just then, the fire of torches lit up the street and the sounds of screaming and curses filled the air. The second Mortacai covered his ears and growled, much like a beast would. The black haired Hyde snarled and looked to see what was causing the noise.

Two figures were running down the street, both had long pointed ears, copious amounts of body hair, sharp teeth and long, black, pointed nails. The taller looked horrified at something, while the shorter, and more scarred one was laughing. The shorter one had dark brown hair with streaks of a much lighter brown. The taller had black and white hair, but it was mostly black. Both looked more like someone had tightly wrapped skin/muscles around a skeleton than actual humans.

The scarred one suddenly grabbed a torch from the mob, and tossed it into a nearby building, setting it on fire, and stopping the mob from catching them.

"THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PURSUE EDWARD HYDE!!!!" He yelled, grabbing the taller's hand and disappearing into the alleyways. The second Hyde watched the flames burn with excitement, before running after the man who set it.
"EDWARD—" The second Mortacai yelled, running after to stop him. The other two followed for the hell of it.

So, the small group of four dashed after them, the two Hydes being slower since they were shorter than their Mortacai counterparts. They came across the brown haired arsonist laying in the taller's lap, talking his ear off about how stupid the coppers were and how pathetic that mob was.
"I mean, who even owns a pitchfork in the middle of Bethnal fucking Green?" He stated. The second Mortacai cleared his throat. The two looked at the four.
"Ah. Hello. Come to give us up to the coppers have you?" The taller one spat.
"Not at all." The orange clad man responded. "If we did that, we'd have to turn all of us in." He grinned. The browned haired one hopped to his feet and place his hands on his hips.
"So who are you four?" He asked.
"It's.. hard to explain. We have the same names." The taller responded.

"Don't you mean name?" The other mocked.
"No. We," The second Mortacai gestured to the first, "are both named William Mortacai. While they" he gestured to the two Hydes, "are both named Edward Hyde. And by a pattern I may be pulling out of my ass, you two are named Edward Hyde and William Mortacai respectively." He ended his theory. The third Edward blinked.
"Well, how do we refer to each other?" He asked.
"You're acting like we want to be friends with you." The first Mortacai said.
"Don't you? I mean, you all ran after us." The third Hyde wore a shit eating grin.
"I have an idea!" The first Hyde yelled out. "We can call each other by colours!" He said.
"And what if we aren't wearing said colours?" The second Hyde asked.
"Is this because you're wearing pink?" The first asked.
"IT ISN'T PINK!" The second barked.

"Okay you two, enough." The second Mortacai said. "Besides, we all should listen to the second Hyde anyway."
"Second?! I'm the first!" The first Hyde stated.
"No you're not." The second Hyde stuck his tongue out at the other. The first Mortacai growled and started sharpening his pocket knife. The first Hyde swallowed back how gay he was and quickly started explaining anyway.

"Okay so uh we just all have a colour we like, and we refer to each other as that, okay?" He said.
So it's just calling us by our favourite colours?" The third Hyde asked.
"Yeah! Basically.." He said, suddenly feeling more like a child than before. The first Mortacai put away his knife and came up behind the first Hyde.
"I think it's a wonderful idea, darling." The blond pressed a kiss to the other's head. He then glared at anyone who looked to interject. No one said anything.

Probably because they didn't want to get stabbed.

"So.. uh... what happens if we have the same colour?" The third Mortacai piped up. His voice was raspy, as if his vocal cords had been torn.
"Uh... I don't really know." The first Hyde said. "Let's just all say ours when I point, okay?" He suggested. They nodded a little.

"Dark red."





"And mine is green." Green Hyde ended. "Okay! Now that's out of the way, now what?" He asked.
"I'm gonna go set more fires." Dark Red Hyde said, wandering off with Black Hyde following after. The others rushed after, Monochrome Mortacai begging Dark Red Hyde not to commit any other crimes, and Black Hyde encouraging it.

This truly, was the point of no return for them.

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