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"So, your full name's Krista Historia Riess-Lenz? Long name for a short girl." Ymir said, looking down at her new friend as the stood in the toilets, waiting for Sasha. "Lucky for you, I like short girls."

"Careful, people might think your flirting with me." Krista laughed. "And yes, it is. Maybe if you get lucky I'll tell you the reason."

"Am I not flirting with you?" Ymir put her hand under the blonde's face. "You are pretty damn cute." The blonde looked away, shutting her eyes as she blushed. "I'm kidding...Half kidding, at least."

"Wh-What was the half?" 

"I'll see if you can figure it out." Ymir winked. "I might start reading just to see you." Sasha came out of the stall, and looked between the two girls. Krista was bright red, and Ymir was smirking. "What? My favorite books Before The Dawn, I allready own a copy but- Oh come on, I'm just kidding don't look so suprised. Yes Sasha, I read." The three girls stood in silense for a moment, and then the bathroom door opened. An older girl walked in, with white hair, glasses and she was dressed in white and cream. White shoes, white tank, white jeans and a cream cadigan over the top of that, she had pulled the cardigan tight around her, and when she saw Sasha she smiled, like she'd been expecting her in some way.  

"Sasha Blouse, correct?" She asked. "I'm Ricco Brzenska. Head of the English Club, I trust you'll be joining us?" Ricco looked at the three girls, one of which was bright red. "And theres no flirting in the bathroom, I hope you know that, Ymir, isn't it?" Ymir took a few steps backwards, surprised at how the girl knew her name. "Oh! And your Krista Reiss right? My family love your bookshop. Please tell your brother to stop flirting with me though, its really annoying." Krista looked between the girl, and then recalled something her sister, Frieda, told her once. She said somehow, even if its by a thin link, or one or two people, everyone knows everyone, that's just how we do here. "Don't look so shocked when people recognise you, guys, we're all linked somehow. No flirting in the bathroom." 

Hanna and Mina, unable to find anywhere else to sit, had sat with Annie, Franz, Bertholdt, Renier and Marco at lunch, all of them around two circle tables, and Mina kept trying to get Annie to talk. "So..." She tried again, looking at Marco, but talking to Annie. "You guys...Are from where again?" She asked. Renier had briefly stated they were from out of town, but hadn't said anything more from then. "You guys are from the city or some place? Why come to school here? The city...Well the City has Warrior Academy, right? So why didn't you go there?" There was a moment whilst the other four looked at each other. Annie pulled up her hoodie, Renier looked at Bertholdt and Marco looked between them all. 

"Well, we did-" Renier started. "Get into Warrior, I mean. But our parents didn't seem to like the syllabus. Actually my dad didn't want me going to school with him, its a long story, my family- So, Hanna, you've been quiet. How about you, why'd you come here?" 

"My Dad made me." Hanna said, bluntly. 

"Your pretty tough, eh Army Girl?" Annie finally said. "I mean, you don't say a word and then all of a sudden you say four. I'm surprised you haven't shown emotions, given the way you've been looking at Mina all day, like you want to talk to her but can't find the right words. Well, it is only the first day, so don't expect much to happen on that. The most You'll do is introduce yourselves, who knows what's going to happen today, or tomorrow, well, whatever. I'm going to the art room." She stood up, and walked out, and the boys quickly following her one by one. 

Mikasa Akerman was in the music wing, close to the practice room, it had been one of her choices for a subject, and she was granted to be here at any time, as long as it wasn't during lesson times. She passed by the rooms one more time, and then she heard someone singing and playing piano. "Its painful for me..." The person sang. "Because nobody wants to die to fast-" She felt like she recognised the song, and she hummed along with the girl. "Remember a day we dreamt...Because-" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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