October 31, 2010.

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      Today is Halloween, it is time to kill Slenderman. I gathered everything that Venny and I had put together in a bag. I got dressed in my costume and took one more look into the mirror I was dressed in a Hinata costume (From Naruto). My hair was getting long now, long and black. I head out the door to meet Venny at the park.

      I got there around 6:00 it was late in the evening and it was getting pretty cold. It was about 5 minutes before Venny arrived. He was wearing a Snake costume (you know the video game character). He approached me, he had a bag of his own. It was probably full of weapons and such. Probably knives and guns. He wore the necklace that I had given him.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Ready as I will ever be." I replied, a bit shaky.

      We head off into the woods that was near the park. We go to walking a ways and we discovered an abandoned shed. "This could be base camp." I told Vencent. He nodded and placed his stuff on the inside of the door frame. He pulled out a knife and a pistol. I pulled out my semi automatic and a samurai sword. We probably look like we are out of a movie, but I don't really care.

      We both took off in the woods, flashlights at hand. We came across a tree with a piece of paper on it. It was a note from Slenderman probably. It had a picture drawn on it saying to 'don't look back.' I acknowledged it as a warning and by Venny's face, he probably took it as a warning too.

      We continued on throughout the forrest. We passed many notes, and each time it had a different picture and little saying on it. One of them saying 'NO NO NO NO' the other one saying, 'He always watches'.

      I stayed alert, on watch for a tall figure. I was holding Venny's hand the whole time, hoping that he wouldn't leave my side anytime soon. We turned around and off in the distance.... was him. The tall man outside my window was 20 feet in front of me. I became enraged and fired my gun at it. It didn't seem to phase him at all.

     I desided to run at full sprint at him, sword at hand, I swung the sword at one of his tentacles. He moved swiftly to Vencent and grabbed him. He shot Slenderman in the face with his gun. He let him go and Vencent sprinted in my direction, desperately trying to get out of his situation. Slenderman was right behind him. I dashed to the faceless man in hope to stab him somewhere.

      I jumped over Venny and kicked the tall man in the stomach. It stunned him for a moment, that was long enough for me to stab him in the stomach. Black blood sprayed everywhere. Slenderman then slapped my body and I went face first into a tree, next to Venny. My face was bloody and in a great amount of pain but I refused to give up.

      I tried to claw my way up when Vencent went charging toward the faceless man. He cut off 3 tentacles and that is when slenderman stabbed Vencent. I remember a loud shriek and a thud. I looked over at the mess to see Vencent floating in mid-air, a tentacle through his abdominal area. I ran at the tall man in hope to save my love. He dropped Vencent. I used all the strength I had to pick Venny up and get him out of there. I ran far and fast. I finally got exaused when I got back to the shed.

      I lit a lantern and sat there with Vencent in my arms. I stroked his arm, he occasionally coughed up some blood.... It broke my heart. His glasses were broken, it exposed his blue/green eyes. He was crying just a bit and then he put his hand on my face. He leaned up and kissed me. He kissed me deep and passionately. It was like I was one with him.

      I heard a creak beside the shed. I jumped at the sound of it. We all knew who it was. I held Vencent tight, not letting him go. I heard one more creak before it went quiet. At that time the lantern went out and I was sitting in the dark, holding Vencent as close to me as I could hold him. Slendermans tentacle launched inside the door and grabbed Vencent. I held on with as much power as I could. He was starting to pull me too. I then screamed out,

"If we don't make it out through this, I love you!"

"I love you too." Vencent gasped out before Slenderman yanked him loose and dragged him out the door.

    I could here Venny's screams as he was being drug away. I ran after him, barly seeing him from the distance.

"EERIN!!" Venny screamed at the top of his lungs.

      That just encouraged me to move faster. I ran as fast as I could after Venny. I couldn't lose him. I finally stopped when I couldn't hear or see him anymore. I found the necklace ripped off and on the ground. I stopped and broke down to cry. I slammed my fists against the ground. I gathered myself after a while and ran to the exit out of the woods, never looking back.


      The police asked me questions and let me go. They couldn't find Vencent. They couldn't find him anywhere. That morning I was going to go to Vencents funeral (or memorial service) since they couldn't find his body anywhere.

      I dressed in a long black dress. It was the dress that I was going to go to prom in that year with Vencent because we had no one to go with. I wore the necklace around my neck. I went downstairs and I was greeted by my parents, sad smiles. I tried to smile, then walked out the door.

      Everyone was dressed in black. It was sad and depressing that day, but the sun was shining and bright. As the prayer was going on I decided to look off into space. I looked to the left and saw a beautiful weeping willow. Then I looked to the right and saw Vencent standing next to a grave. He was all ghost like, but I still felt his presance. He wore his warm smile and his glasses. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. Next to him was my brother, Doug. They both smiled.

      I may not have killed Slenderman, but I still have my two boys by my side. Even though that night the tears just wouldn't stop falling.

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