5 • There's Something About Nick

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Nick was happily eating his food and looked at the 7 men around him. He kept eyeing Jimin's plate, he won't lie his food looked good too.

"Do you want some Nick?", Jimin giggled as he noticed his straying eyes. Nick quickly averted his eyes. "Um, y-yeah, if you don't mind", he stuttered. "Of course not! Go ahead baby!", Nick widened his eyes at the new nickname. Namjoon did too, out of jealousy.

Nick impaled the beef on Jimin's plate and gathered some rice and slipped the food into his mouth. He was right, it was very good. But also very spicy. Holy crap it was spicy. Nick was literally the worst Mexican when it came to spicy things. He couldn't handle it. At all.

He tried his best to not make it obvious. Not wanting to look like a wuss in front of the boys.

But he was failing terribly. He started coughing and he tried his best to hide it. His eyes started to water and his mouth was burning up. Oh my God. How can Jimin eat that? He thought. Nick shakily reached over for his drink and started gulping it down, hoping it will get rid of the spice that was burning his tongue.

The boys started to notice his strange behavior. Tae looked at him with worry in his eyes, "Nick? A-are you okay?", he asked. "I'm guessing you're not good with spicy food", Yoongi said bluntly. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Nick, I should've told you it was really spicy", Jimin said as he watched Nick finish his drink and reach over for Joonie's. "Are you gonna drink that?", he asked as he already had the cup in his hand. "All yours babe don't worry", Namjoon replied with a smirk as he glanced over at Jimin who was now glaring at him.

Nick didn't even have time to react to Namjoon calling him babe as he started gulping down Namjoon's drink. He finished it and started chomping on the ice that was left.

The spice had died down a bit and he looked at the boys with a huge look embarrassment plastered on his face. "I-I'm sorry. That was dramatic as hell but I really don't do well with spicy food", he half-heartedly laughs. "Ugh that was embarrassing", Nick whines as he covers his face. "No no no! It's fine. We get it. It was kinda cute to be honest", Tae said with a smile.

Namjoon and Jimin didn't like that. But they don't know why. Why would they be jealous? Nick is friends with all of them.

After another hour of eating and talking, the 8 boys were having an amazing time. The boys explained to Nick what they all do in the group and that they have a month off before they embark on a world tour.

The night was winding down and Nick knew he'd have to say goodbye. He didn't want to, he was having so much fun. Little did he know that all the 7 boys were also sad that they'd have to say goodbye soon. They all liked their new friend so much. Maybe even too much.

Nick didn't know it, but he made them all feel a warm fuzzy feeling they've never felt before. They loved that he made them laugh and forget about their hectic lives.

As the table sat in a comfortable silence, Nick decided to speak up. "I just wanna say thank you guys. I had a great time and this is probably one of the best nights of my life, which is kinda sad because I only had a nice dinner like that's all. But! I met 7 amazing people I am now proud to call my friends. If I'm honest, this is one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me. Having someone truly take care of me, even if it was just for two hours, was so nice. Thank you", he said with a loving smile. Trying to hold back tears.

All seven men had the biggest smiles on their faces. "Of course Nick! I think I speak for everyone when I say you're one of the best, nicest guys we've ever met. You gave us a great evening and we're so happy to have met you", Namjoon said as he took Nick's hand. The other 6 nodded in agreement and gave Nick thankful smiles.

"Well then I better get going, I have a big day of exploring tomorrow", Nick says as he gets up. "W-what are you gonna do tomorrow?", Hobi asked. Nick hums, "I'm not really sure. I've looked up so many things to do that it's kind of overwhelming", he chuckles.

The 7 boys exchange glances. "Would you like for us to give you a tour of Seoul?", Yoongi smiles. "What? Oh no, I don't know, you guys are probably busy, I don't wanna be a burden", Nick replies. "Don't think of yourself as a burden! We'd be happy to, we literally have nothing to do, we have a month off remember?", Jin smiled. "Well if it's okay with y'all, then I gues-", Nick couldn't finish because the men erupted in cheers. Nick giggled, "It'll be so fun!", Tae smiled a bright, boxy smile.

"I'm looking forward to it TaeTae-hyung!", Nick returns a big smile. A soft pink blush spreads on Taehyung's cheeks at Nick's nickname.

"Well I should get to my hotel now", Nick said as he turned around. "No wait! It's dark out, we're not gonna let you walk around", Namjoon said as he stepped in front of Nick. "Oh don't worry about me Joonie-hyung, I'll be okay", Nick tried to reassure the taller man.

"No Nick, it's dangerous! Let us give you a ride. Please", Jimin pleads. "We would never forgive ourselves if something happened to you", Jungkook added. Now Nick HAD to look like a tomato. "Okayyyyy", Nick whines with a smirk on his tan face.

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