17 • Love Actually

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It was the next day and Nick had slept in until 11 am. He was exhausted and jet lag was really kicking his butt. He was just thankful he didn't return to work until tomorrow, so today he can just rest and try to start to patch up his broken heart.

He had washed his face and brushed his teeth and was now sitting on his bed enjoying a cup of coffee.

He was just scrolling through Twitter when he saw an ad for an upcoming award show. He wasn't interested until he saw who was performing. He gulped and then quickly scrolled away.

He couldn't get the boys out of his head so he certainly doesn't need any reminders of them. He closed his eyes and inhaled then exhaled deeply. He just wanted to forget that he ever met BTS.

He closes his eyes to just give himself a moment.

Everything was fine until he started hearing a weird sound. It was a subtle tapping. It wasn't constant but he kept hearing it. He thought he was imagining things because he swore he heard it coming from his window. But, he lives on the third floor, it's not like someone could just reach and tap on his window.

Nick got tired of the sound so he opened his eyes and saw a pebble being thrown at his window, causing the tapping. He kept seeing the pebbles hit the clear glass so someone was clearly throwing them and trying to get his attention. "I swear if it's some annoying kids I'll end them. I'm not in the mood", he said under his breath as he got up and walked towards the window.

He looked down and what he saw almost made him faint.

It was them.

It was Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"What the fuck?!", Nick screamed in his mind.

The boys cheered when they saw Nick and then started looking up at him with pleading eyes.

Nick wanted to tell them to leave but it's not like they can go home. They aren't in Korea. They're in New Mexico. Nick takes a deep breath and tries his best to suppress some lingering tears. He slides the window up and then sees Yoongi take out his phone and he extends his arms up towards the window.

Nick almost collapses when "Love You Like a Love Song" by Selena Gomez and the Scene starts to play. The corners of his lips curve up into a tight-lipped smile. He knows they know he loves Selena.

The boys almost swell up with tears when they see Nick smile rather than telling them to get lost. "Please let us explain Nicky! Please!", Namjoon pleads with Nick.

"Can you shut up with that music?!", the boys hear an elderly woman yell out from the second floor.

Yoongi turns off his phone. "Please Nicky can we come up?", Yoongi says with hope in his voice.

"Well you didn't come all this way for nothing. Hurry up", Nick says as he pulls his head back inside his apartment and shuts the window.

The boys erupt in cheers.

"SHUT IT AND GO INSIDE BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!!", the elderly woman screams out.

The boys gulp and hurry inside.

Nick is pacing back and forth as he waits for the boys to knock on his door. He doesn't know how they are going to explain what he heard. He doesn't know if they'll apologize or if he'll even forgive them. But, they came all the way here, they followed him here so they better have a good explanation.

Then he heard a soft knock on his door. This is it. He walks over to it and opens it.

He just sees Jungkook with a white cue-card. He gives Nick a small smile and flips it around. "You told me this when we watched 13 Going On 30,"Holding in your feelings and emotions is like knowing a bad, rude and annoying person in your life, and once you get rid of that toxic person, you feel lighter, you feel liberated... Free", I really identified with that ".

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