You had been working for a monopoly company that had been the top of ironworking and blacksmithing. Nearly owning each smaller company to add to their empire. You've never met the boss before and was invited to meet him and thought he'd be an utter douchnozzle. Dressing with the highest of clothes and footwear. But you walked in to see a feminine male, having a choker on with a oversized pink hoodie. Then stood up and walked around the desk as to see it stopped halfway at their very thick thighs. "Oh hey, you must be the head of my statistics department... [OC's name]? Am I right?" He asked in a very feminine voice as you nodded and felt like you couldn't say a word. Then forced yourself "You seem too young to be my boss. Let alone run a company right" Immediately regretting as he looked saddened by your words...
Would you try and cheer him up or take back what you said about him.