Hogsmeade pt. 2

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Date: October 26th, 1991/ Hogsmeade Weekend- Hogsmead


"Alright, students, those of you who are going into town need to be back before dinner." Professor McGonagall called out, standing at the tops of the steps as she addressed them. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed at them, warning. "Any student that does not have their slip signed by their Parent or Guardian, is not permitted to go to Hogsmeade! Those of you who try going without permission will serve a month of detention with one of your teachers or with the groundskeeper."

Beside Harry, Ron shuddered at the thought of detention. He had already experienced the sheer boredom of sitting at a desk for two hours after dinner with the Divination teacher, who just rambled on and on about theories and fake prophecies and tea leaves. Draco curved an eyebrow as he glanced at him with a questioning expression; Ron flushed and shook his head, whispering, "I hate detention." Under his breath as he faced forward to pay attention to McGonagall's instructions. Draco snorted softly, smirking lightly at the ginger's reddening skin; it was cute, in a weird sort of gross way.

"Come on, you two, let's give the Prefects our slips and get going," Harry said, tugging on their arms.


Hogsmeade/Ministry of Magic


"I hear Harry is planning on visiting you today." Remus commented, watching Cecily through the floo. She was sitting at her desk, hunched over a stack of paperwork, scribbling away on what Remus was sure to be some sort of Room Report.

Cecily hummed and peered at him over her glasses. "According to Draco, they are, but he wouldn't specify what they wanted to see me about."

"Do they need to go into detail if they're coming to visit?" Remus asked. He chuckled as she stopped suddenly and looked at him, surprised.

"I mean, no, they don't, of course not. It just sounded like they were coming for a purpose, other than my son and his friends coming to see me and my work." She replied, shuffling the papers in her hands and setting them aside. Cecily turned to face the floo fully, focusing her attention on the werewolf.

"I see," He hummed, smiling sagely at her. "Could it be because it's almost Samhain and you have traditions during this time of year?" His grin widened as he caught her off guard again.

Cecily's brows rose and she rubbed a hand down her face. How could she forget? All the paperwork that Lucian hadn't finished during his time as her stand-in just piled up, so she wanted to get through as much of it as she could before the department ran any more tests.

"How could I forget? This is going to be his first time spending it away from home." She said, groaning into her palms as she dropped her head into her hands.

Remus chuckled. "It's okay, Cecily, he won't fault you for forgetting things and you know this. You're his mother, but you're also human. It's okay to misremember things from time to time." He grinned softly, eyes crinkling in fondness as she matched his expression.

"Oh, what would I do without you, my Dear?" Cecily replied, leaning back in her chair.

"According to Severus, you'd probably still be in some remote country becoming more and more overprotective of Hadrian until his rebellious streak kicks in and he runs away causing you, Dumbledore, and who-so-ever has found out his secret, to chase him around the world until he is inevitably caught." Remus said nonchalantly. Cecily glared at him, her mood dampening even further.

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