The Reconciliation

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Chapter 12: The Reconciliation

"I'm not happy about this," Draco said flatly, stooping awkwardly in his attempt to keep his distance from Potter while also remaining hidden under the invisibility cloak.

"Shame, really," Potter said, unfazed. "I'm actually quite a delight."

Draco snorted softly, getting yanked to his left as his companion turned the corner unexpectedly. "Careful, Potter," he muttered under his breath. "You're starting to sound like me."

He glanced quickly at Potter's slightly glazed expression, wondering once again - for perhaps the fourth or fifth time in the last minute - where the Felix Felicis-addled wizard was taking him. Since leaving the seventh floor, Potter had seemingly done nothing but meander through the castle, abruptly changing directions and taking an irrationally lengthy path down the constantly changing stairs.

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous," Draco finally pronounced irritably. "You've got to tell me where we're going."

Potter didn't spare him a second glance. "Hush, we're almost there - "

"Don't tell me to hush, Potter, really - "

Potter came to an abrupt stop, thrusting his arm to the side and smacking it directly into Draco's abdomen.

"Fuck, what - "

"Stop for a second," Potter said, his ears trained on something Draco couldn't identify. "Do you hear that?"

Draco held his breath, listening. "No," he said finally, after a moment of complete and uninterrupted silence. "What are you - "

"Ah, I know what the problem is," Potter declared, tearing the cloak from over their shoulders.

Draco shivered as the cool air hit him. "What are you doing?" he demanded angrily, his voice echoing in the hallway. "I'm supposed to be fucking dead, Potter, this isn't exactly the time to go for a casual stroll - "

"I've got a feeling," Potter said with a lazy grin. His glassy eyes slid to rest on Draco's, his entire countenance blissfully unconcerned with his pale companion's very reasonable fears. "Trust me, Malfoy. Or at least, trust Felix."

"I don't trust either of you, and certainly not the both of you combined!" Draco snapped, whipping around to face him while brandishing the diadem in his right hand. "This is insane - "

Potter ducked as Draco carelessly waved his arms around. "Careful with that, Malfoy, or you'll take my head off - "

"If I want to kill you with this diadem, so help me, Potter, I'll do it!" Draco informed him loudly, swinging it about for emphasis.

"Where did you get that?"

Draco turned at the sound of the harsh whisper behind him. "Who's there?"

"The Grey Lady!" Potter gushed, clapping as he spotted the silvery figure of a very tall, very elegant female ghost. "Excellent. Really, really excellent." He bowed deeply, his wild black hair falling into his eyes. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Harry Potter, this is Draco Malfoy - "

Draco rounded on him, cursing through clenched teeth. "What the fuck - "

"What are you doing with that?" she asked furiously, gliding swiftly beside them and nearly startling Draco out of his wits. "What have you done to it?"

"What do you care?" Draco asked defensively, yanking it closer to his chest. Up close, the ghost was quite beautiful, and very familiar, both in that she reminded him a bit of his mother - she had a haughty, proud look to her, the kind that came from a lifetime of careful, meticulous cultivation - and in that he'd seen her before, though they'd never interacted.

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