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"Get up, Y/N! I don't keep you around to sleep," barked my father, dragging me inside. I must've fallen asleep doing my chores outside. 

He dropped me on the floor and slinked back to his room (probably to fap to cable porn or drink himself into a stupor). I took that as my queue to start on dinner.

This had become our routine since mom died. All household duties fell on me, while my father and brothers wasted our money. We had no stable source of income, so I took up prostitution. I didn't care to tell them, and thankfully they didn't ask where the money came from.

Unfortunately, I was almost always suffering from some STD or another. This made doing my chores exponentially harder. And when I didn't have my chores done...

The door swung open violently, shaking the whole house. Dust flew into the meal I had just finished preparing, and I turned to the source of the noise to tell them off for ruining the food. I was instead met with my brother's fist. 

"You didn't scrub the skid marks off my underwear like you were supposed to!" 

Another punch hit my face with a loud crack.

"How am I supposed to pick up ladies if I smell like shit?!"

"Well," I started, "maybe you should wipe your ass right."

My brother didn't like that, and responded by hitting me with a chair. He draped his dirty underwear on my head as I laid unconscious. 

I woke up hours later, sore and smelly. My brother's shit stained underwear left a brown patch in my otherwise clean hair. 

The room was nearly pitch black, only somewhat illuminated by the oven clock. 

Jeez, midnight already? 

My thought was interrupted by a blinding light shined in my face.

"Watch it, you're pointing that thing right in my eyes!" I covered my eyes with my arms.

"Powers *hic* out," my father slurred.

"What? No it's not." I motioned to the oven light which was still on.

My father swung the torch at my head, hitting it with tremendous force. 

"IT'S OUT! Go outside and *hic* fix box."

Still reeling from the last hit, and not willing to receive another, I hurriedly stumbled outside. If nothing else, I wouldn't have to be in there with them.

We lived in an isolated farm house that belonged to my father's parents. Our closest neighbors lived miles away, but I never really minded the solitude. I was used to it since my brothers never had any interest in playing with me. When she wasn't tending to the farm or making dinner, my mother would keep me company. That wasn't very often, though. My father never bothered since he didn't want a daughter in the first place. 

My isolation gave me a lot of time to explore the wilderness around our house. I always felt more comfortable in nature than I did at home. I spent so much time outside that my father (at my mother's request, of course) begrudgingly built me a treehouse. From that day on, I was hardly in the house. As soon as the sun came up, I'd be in that treehouse. And I'd stay there until the sun came down, or later. 

After my mother's death, however, I wasn't able to spend much time in my treehouse anymore. She was never really suited for farm life. The harshness of it (and my father) wore her down until she couldn't handle it anymore, and she dove into an icy stream. 

The best part of my treehouse was that it was far away from the farm house. It was close enough that you could just barely see the farm house, but far enough to make you out of breath from the walk.

I panted a bit as I climbed the rickety ladder. Nothing had changed since I was last here about a year ago. The pillows and blankets laid unmoved, a book I had been reading left open to the same page. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I settled into the blankets and my eyelids began drooping. A deep sleep overtook me soon after.

The treehouse began to shake, waking me up.


I held onto a tree branch that was growing into the tree house for balance. Through the window I saw my father and brothers...cutting down the tree! WITH ME STILL IN IT!

"Stop! I'm still in here!" I cried out to them.

Either they didn't hear me, or they didn't care, and both were equally plausible. 

The treehouse teetered, and I knew I needed to get out. I made a dash for the exit, but the ladder had fell to the ground.

Shit! There's no other way to get out of here...

"You should climb out the window," said an unknown female voice.

I jumped, and looked around frantically.

"What?! Who's there?!"

I'm the only one in here! Who could've said that?

The treehouse teetered, and it was dangerously close to falling now.

Without thinking into it too much, I grabbed onto the branch and hoisted myself out of the treehouse, into a neighboring tree. It gave me a front row seat to watch my beloved treehouse fall to the ground and break.

I didn't have much time to mourn, though, since the tree I was holding onto for dear life started shaking. My father was cutting it down!

What?! They're trying to kill me!

"Jump," said the unfamiliar voice, again.

This time, I saw a yellow blur.

"Who the hell are you?!" I demanded.

There was no reply.

The tree began to fall, and I felt something push me.

I closed my eyes and awaited death, but instead I was submerged in water.

Oh, I must've fell into the stream.

I swam to the surface and grabbed onto a log that planted firmly to the ground, using it to pull myself out of the water. Before me stood a deep forest, one I hadn't dared to explore as a child. 

On one side of the stream was my family and everything I had ever known, and on the other a dark forest, with a dimly lit pathway to God-knows-where.


I picked the forest.

Vampire's Bride [FNAF 1 Cast as vampires x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now