Kuroshitsuji ~ Across Time. Prolouge

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I do not own black butler, or any characters except Alice, Ambrose, and other characters not seen in the anime. After you finish the prolouge, if you like, Chapter 11 is a look into Alice's childhood ten years ago that will shed some light on her personality and decisions so you might want to skip over and read that before continuing with the story.

"Arrivederci Ambrose."

"Please Alice! Don't do this I know you're still in there deep down!" He shouted, clutching his bleeding broken right arm.

"You insolent fool. You let silly emotions for my human self cloud your judgment and now you're injured. I do pity what the angels have done to the great demon who was feared above all centuries ago. I have no use for you anymore. Rowan thought he could cultivate and control my affections, but he did not realize how powerful I would truly be as a demon and now I'm the dominant one in the relationship. I tell you what Ambrose, who would've guessed I'd be a lustful sadist." I grinned evilly as Ambrose supplied the perfect reaction I had been looking for. The pain from my change that crossed his face was surprisingly pleasing. "Oh come now, don't make that expression. I was just one silly broken human girl. Go find another one and become their pet."

Ambrose's resolve hardened at these words, looking to Arick and Mindy who stood just behind him. Arick looked horrified at the girl he had once loved. "What did you do to her...?"

"Oh, don't blame him. He thought he could actually protect me from myself and Rowan. He simply underestimated my mate." Alice laughed low and harsh, looking down at the two silly males who cared most for her human self in this world. "You know Arick, I'm not completely loyal to Rowan despite his utter devotion. You could be my toy on the side. You love me don't you? I'd take care of you, and you won't die when the time comes."

"Alice, what has happened to you?!" Mindy yelled from her position below the person that had once been a sweet fiery girl and her best friend.

"I'm a demon now doll, plain and simple."

Arick stared at me with several emotions warring for dominance on his face. "Alice..."

"See, he's actually considering it! I can tell." Mindy punched him on the shoulder which seemed to make the young guy snap out of it.

Ambrose sighed and removed a palm from his arm, staring at the deep red blood staining his palm. The contract symbol on the back of his hand blazed like a purple flame. "Heh, looks like we're still bound Alice despite what you say. Well, Michaelis? Are you going to help me clean up this mess or what?"

"Hmm. Well seeing as it is partially my fault, I guess I can spare the time." A sexy pale man with raven black hair and red eyes answered, pulling off his gloves with a dark smile. "May I, my Lord?" The demon Sebastian Michaelis asked a young boy with dark blue short hair.

"This is an order from me, Sebastian. Get my little bitch of a supposed 'big sister' back. Elizabeth wishes to have tea with her soon."


"Of course, Ambrose. It's my fault too." A tall man with glasses answered, a smirk on his face.

"More like most of it." They said in unison.


It all started the day I received a book. I was going to the The Book Nook, my favorite book store, to get the next Black Butler volume. I had recently found the series online and decided to read them.

"Hello Denice." I said, smiling as I pulled the books I had chosen out the basket and set them on the counter. I surveyed the shelves behind her as I always did, making note of all the books yet to be put on the shelves. Three immediately caught my eye, a manga called 'Blue Exorcist', and two novels called 'The Help' and 'All Creatures Great and Small'. I knew I would have to come back later and search for them among the many books Denice put out for sale.

"I see you found the new shipment of manga!" Denice laughed, giving me a warm smile. "I hope you didn't take them all Alice!"

"I would never!" I said with fake astonishment, despite the fact that I had done exactly as she said. She had wizened up enough to know she would have to restock the manga after I left. I paid her with a fifty pound note before saying my goodbyes. After I finished purchasing the books, I let out a heavy sigh before stepping out into the heat. This was the hottest summer London had ever seen, thirty seven fricking degrees Celsius, and it was just the beginning of June! My school would be out for summer soon. My prep school's A/C was out, so all we could use were fans to keep out the heat. All the stupid machines succeed in doing is to just push the muggy air around.

As I walked down the street, a strange feeling made me turn sharply and scan the sidewalk. A shadowy figure darted out of the corner of my eye, which made me quicken my pace. Creeps were all over this part of town! Sliding into my car, I started the ignition before noticing the figure in my mirror. Okay this was not my imagination! Officially disturbed, I sped away as fast as I could.


I turned the alarm off and slumped back onto my bed. I had not noticed yesterday that my homework was unfinished. Today, Friday, I was going to pay for that. I got up out of bed and yawned, thinking about the person I had seen following me the other day. It be just right if someone decided to rob me blind. What else could go wrong? Choosing a cammy, jeans, and my Undertaker tee, I dressed and padded slowly down the stairs. I averted my eyes from the patched holes and empty picture frames that lined the halls, their glass broken and shattered.

I reached my now sterile kitchen, the white and metallic of it all momentarily blinding my sleepy eyes. I snatched a box of cornflakes off the top of the refrigerator and set it down on the counter before retrieving milk. The room was cold and uninviting no matter how I tried to spruce it up so eventually I threw in the towel on decorating. Once I had finished eating, I washed the bowl in the sink. A shadow fell across my face from somewhere outside, making me shriek and drop the bowl and spoon. What the hell? I thought. I looked out once more, seeing only the empty back yard and large looming woods behind my house. Stepping back from the window I grabbed my car keys, my grey and blue Patagonia bag, and textbooks before bolting.

A/N: This is not much, I admit, but prolouges can be short or long! mwahaha! There was the beautiful flashback, er, forward? in the beginning. Did anyone notice something weird about Alice's house? There will be new characters in the next chapter that are pretty interesting, and some of them MIGHT be Black Butler characters to come soon. *cough cough* >:D The story begins to develop as we enter the Black Butler world and Alice helps Ciel while being constantly watched.


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