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October 31st...


One of the most beloved holidays of the year. Many, many people will take time out of their day to dress up and go to parties, create a ton of tricks, or get a treat or two. And later tonight, it'll be a whole party in New York. Osa just didn't want to miss any of it.

Ever since she had to leave April's apartment, it has been hard sometimes because she can't see her human friend. The friend she supposedly looked up to before she was mutated into a shapeshifter. Osa hasn't been able to go outside unless she patrolling with the brothers because her animal-like abilities are getting a little more advanced from last time. She's just cooped up inside the lair trying to entertain herself at this point, learning who she is and who she wants to become.

She'll read books, watch movies, train, eat, shift, and do whatever to take herself away from boredom. But today is a workday. And that means more shifting, more learning, and more research.

Donatello held a notebook in his hands yet again, writing down notes quickly about his recent observations and discoveries. He tapped his temple with his pen before looking up at Osita. She's standing on the platform in the middle of the lair, surrounded by candles. "Okay," Donatello said to her. "Become a horse." He pointed his pen at her.

"A horse?" She says, quickly thinking of her assigned animal. She thought it was funny to be shifting into a horse in the lair

"It's just a test, Osa." He sighed, pressing the record button on his shoulder cam.

"Fine." She replied on the platform, standing tall, and taking a deep breath. Osa focused on her animal, thinking of its shape, anatomy, its purpose, and behavior. How it moves, every single curve and shape on it... Then, Osa performed a solid backflip, shifting her body into a four-legged 1,000-pound animal once she landed on four, hard, round hooves. She's a bay-skinned horse with a black tail and thick mane, looking very healthy. "Now what?" She hopped off the platform, her hooves clicking loudly on the concrete floor.

Don stopped the recording and transferred the video to his computer from his holograms. He played the video back, seeing the shifting process was at least half a second long. "You're getting faster at shifting." He smiled, running an electrostatic filter over the video to have better quality. Osa walks to the computer, curious about the observations he recorded. Don slowed the video down, seeing the details of her shift. "When you shift your limbs, they...'tear' like paper."

"Tear like paper." She nickered lightly. "So what?"

"It's just a unique way your body changes its shape." He told her. "Not just that, look here." Donatello pointed at the screen, showing a dim yellow glow from the start of her transformation. "A yellow light. It could be related to the golden ooze in your Rhnull blood. Again, a unique feature of your shifting."

"And?" She says, eager for him to keep going.

"When you quarter-shift, that golden accent doesn't appear." Don shared with her.

"Why do you think it doesn't show up?" Osa asked him.

Donatello shrugged, sitting in his chair with his olive green fingertips touching his chin with a 'thinking' motion. "Probably because you put less energy into quarter shifting than fully shifting."

"Makes sense." She replied, quickly shifting back to her normal self, sitting on his desk and dangling her feet above the floor. "Have you ever figured out why Rhnull is a great match for the golden ooze?"

Don did have an answer for that but he isn't so sure about it. But it's the only answer that made sense to him. At least for now. "I read about your blood type and its rarity. From observing your abilities and combining what I read, it seems like your blood type is literal royalty. It goes back thousands of years." He smiles at her, itching the back of his head. "Rhnull is somehow connected to the animal kingdom and that's the mystery."

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '16) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟸 ❪✘❫Where stories live. Discover now