Chapter 1

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A soft glow could be seen coming from a screen in the middle of the small room. Small sounds of gentle wind and angelic whispers can be heard from the outside world. A child, many would say, was irresponsibly on her phone in the middle of the night, when the next morning carried more school and papers for her. A young teenager in her sophomore year of high school, others would say, was desperately trying to find the right music to lull her to sleep. The clock on her phone read 2:30 AM, whilst under it was her calming music playlist. 

She knew fully well she made an irresponsible decision when she decided not to take her sleeping pills, or at least drink her nightly tea. She had grown tired of swallowing two pills at a time with lukewarm water, gagging the slightest bit afterwards. She's grown tired of the once pretty, deep blue of her pills, and she had grown wary of the sleepiness that came with the medication. She had grown tired of the bottle that read her name, "Maya," indicating to the rest of her family to not take it unless they needed a bit more of a push into sleep. 

They knew not the struggle of taking them night after night. They didn't understand how tired Maya had gotten after three years of forcing herself to sleep with both tea and pills. She grew bored of the bitterness and sweetness of her tea, and she had grown frustrated with teachers telling her to "just rest." She wanted to badly to talk back, and tell everyone to just shut up.

Each day, listening to her classmates speak amongst themselves whilst they worked; it was aggravating. She wished so badly to know how to actually make conversation rather than waiting patiently for the bell to ring, indicating the release back home. The release of the animals the adults called, "children." How so, very aggravating. 

After around two or so hours, Maya had drifted off into sleep after finally settling for a song to listen to on repeat. She awoke again, once her alarm interrupted her music with a blaring 'ding' and vibrations so violent, it'd be impossible to sleep through. Sitting up and changing her shirt into the one she had on her bedside table, she checked her phone. In a very drowsy voice, she read the time, "6:40 already?" Maya secretly wanted to just plop back down on her bed and sleep the day away, but she refused to succumb to her heavy eyelids and soft, warm bed. 

It would be a cold day, it being the beginning of December. The young teenager sloppily stood from the bed, and walked over to her closet. She didn't want to try too hard to look fashionable or good today, she just wanted to be comfortable. She pushed hanger after hanger aside, looking for a jacket or hoodie to put on for the day. Settling for a cool, blue coat, she set it upon her desk and sat at her vanity. Not too much makeup today, just a bit of mascara and lip gloss today. Another alarm screams from her phone, 7:00 AM, and Maya had to be on school grounds by 8. 

Maya settled for just eating the small breakfasts her school gave out whenever you would enter through the gates; a sandwich, apple slices, and orange juice was given out today. A perfectly grey Monday, as per usual, just like every Monday. Just like every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Occasionally, it would be the weekends that got caught in the dullness of boredom and drowsiness. As she walks inside the gates of her high school, down through the quad and into one of the buildings. She continued eating her breakfast as she sat on the stairs of the building, snuggling a little more into her coat. 'Little more cold than I expected.' As Maya wondered why she didn't bring her scarf as well, she sees her group of friends walk into the building. 

"Maya, tell Carwyn to stop being mean to me!" Maya sits, confused with peanut butter stuck at the top of her mouth. "What'd he do this time?" Said with a laugh from Maya, but a scoff from Carwyn. "Okay, rude, first of all, and second, I didn't do anything. All I did was tell Kay that she should definitely post more of her handwriting onto her page!" The sarcasm in Carwyn's voice was almost like fire, burning so very obviously. Kay had been posting random things to her page on an app called Imps, where you post pictures and statuses; and she'd been trying to convince the two to get the app. "Kay, maybe you should post more than just, you know. Edgy one-liners and song lyrics, yeah?" Maya, although she prefers keeping to herself, appreciated the idea of her friends being open about what they like. Doesn't mean she can't tease them though, just as they tease her. 

"Oh, yeah, okay, sure. What about Carwyn? He uses the app Aerotree, and posts videos of him making weird faces with a green screen behind him!" As Carwyn finally sits next to Maya, he huffs and turns to Maya. "You know, I keep wondering why you don't use any apps. You just use Flect, and you don't even post. You just use it to watch gameplays and art videos." He grabs the apple slices from Maya's breakfast bag. "That's just because I don't see a point in posting things when I could be working." Maya nudges Carwyn's head away. "Well, I wanna know if you're ever gonna make an account on Imps! Seriously, it has more than just videos. It has statuses, stories, videos, why bother with any other app?" Kay sits as well, stealing an apple slice from Carwyn. "Eh, sounds too complicated." Maya smiles, as Kay starts yelling more about her app. 

"So, how was telling your dad about your failed Math test?" Maya asks, as she takes another bite from her sandwich. She takes a sip from her juice, "Oh. Yeah, thanks for reminding me." As he puts his head in his hands and leans down, Maya and Kay begin to chuckle. "I told you, you could've studied with Maya and I, dude." "But math sucks!"

This felt more like a prologue or something, and I'm very sorry about that. God, this was kinda fun to write. I think I'm excited to continue writing this tbh. Hopefully my motivation continues though. :/

1053 words

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