Chapter One

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You run onto the train quickly as the last whistle blows. You wave goodbye to your mother, who waves back to you with a smile. As soon as you can no longer see her anymore you decide to go find a compartment.

You hope to find an empty one, but considering the time you got on the train, there wouldn't be any left. You walk past many compartments full of kids excitedly talking about the new year. You waved to some people you recognized while passing. Most of them where 5th years like you, but some were a year or two older than you.

The Weasley twins, for example, who were in their seventh year, stopped you momentarily to show you a new product that they had came up with.  It  was another prank candy that they hoped to be part of the shop they planned to open up when the graduated out of Hogwarts. They tried to get you to test it, but from having past experience of what these small candies could do, you politely declined their offer. They shrugged and walked off, hoping to get someone else to test out their new invention.

You walk for a little longer, still looking for a compartment to sit at. You soon hear your name being called and look behind you to see your friend Harry Potter trying to catch up with you.

"Hey Harry," You say with a small smile.

"Hey Y/n!" He said, returning your smile. "I didn't see you on the platform, I was worried you weren't coming." He let out a awkward laugh.

You laugh a bit. "I would never miss out on a year at Hogwarts," You say, "I just got here a little late."

"I see," Harry said. "I would invite you to sit with me, but my compartments full."

"No worries, I think I'll manage to find one on my own." You smile at him. He laughs a bit and you two make plans to meet once you've arrived at Hogwarts.

You continue your search for a compartment with at least someone your acquainted with. You didn't feel like making many friends this year since you were quite content with your friend group already.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour of looking, you find a compartment only occupied by one boy whom you know as Neville Longbottom.

You open the door and knock on it softly to get his attention.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you." Neville said turning slightly red.

"It's no problem." You gave him a smile. "Could i sit here with you?"

"Sure," he said with a small smile.

You walk in and put your trunk on the rack above you. "I got here late, so it was hard to find an empty compartment." You said, trying to start some small talk.

"Oh, um, if you want to be alone I could leave-" Neville said.

"Oh! No, its quite alright, the company should be good for me." You give him a smile. "You're Neville, right?"

He nods with a small smile, slightly enjoying that he has company now.

"Well I'm y/n." You say. "It's really nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Neville says. You notice an odd plant next to him that kind of resembles an oddly shaped cactus. "What's that?"

He puts the potted plant on his lap. "It's a Mimbulus Mibletonia." He blushed a bit, slightly embarrassed but then notices the  interested look on your face and laughs a bit.

'His laugh his really cute...' You smile to yourself but catch yourself as you think this and shake it out of your mind.

Neville goes on to explain what the Minbulus Mibletonia was used for and how it works. He seemed to be very educated on this topic and Herbology in general. When you asked questions about it, he got excited and went on a small ramble to answer what you asked.

After you two bond over Herbology for a while, you get to know each other better.

"So what do your parents do?" You ask. This obviously was a touchy topic because Neville went a bit quiet and fidgety.

"Well I actually live with my gran," he says a bit embarrassed. "She's retired now, but she used to work at the ministry."

Deciding that it would be better to move away from this topic, you two move back onto the topic of school. 

After a long train ride of you and Neville trying to get to know each other better, you finally reach the large Hogwarts castle. The castle had always amazed you since your first year. You never thought such a thing that beautiful could exist.

you meet up with Harry and your other friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. You all walk up to a carriage, as Neville joins you all. You see Harry stop in his tracks for a moment.

"What's that?" Harry asks, staring at the front of the carriage.

"What's what? You ask, slightly confused. You could see that the others were aswell. 

"That, pulling the carriage." 

"There's nothing there mate." Ron replied, "The carriages are pulling themselves like always."

Suddenly a voice you didn't recognize spoke up.

"You're not going mad. I can see them too." You looked up to see a girl with dirty blonde hair reading a magazine upside down. "You're just as sane as I am."

You looked at Neville who just kind of shrugged at you, confused. 

You all got into the carriage with the blonde, Neville sitting next to you.

"Everyone this is Looney-" Hermione stopped herself  before saying anything rude. "Luna Lovegood." 

It was an awkward ride to the castle. You couldn't help but notice Harry continuing to glance at the front of the carriage. You tried to squint to see if you were able to see anything, but you still saw nothing. You shrugged a bit and soon saw the huge castle between the trees. It did scare you a bit in your first year because you weren't sure if you would ever be able to find your way around. But since you've been going to Hogwarts for 5 years now, you weren't really worried about getting lost anymore.

Soon the carriage stopped and you got off. You looked up at the large castle before you and smiled. You were finally home.

Hey All! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my story. I'm usually a random updater so I really don't know the next time I'll be uploading, but I'll try to make it as soon as possible since I've been feeling inspired to write this. Anyways, if you liked this, be sure to leave a vote! Bye for now! -Ryann

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