Chapter Two

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The 6 of you walked into the castle and into the Great Hall which was buzzing with excitement. You could see some kids hugging and others excitedly discussing their summers with each other. 

Luna parted from the group to go sit at the Ravenclaw table while the rest of you sat down at the Gryffindor table. You all chatted amongst each other, occasionally saying hello to  people that passed. Soon enough the first years  were brought in and sorted into their houses. After that Dumbledore began to say his annual beginning of year speech.

"Welcome students to another year of Hogwarts!" His voice rang throughout the hall. "I would like to inform you that our beloved Professor Hagrid is on leave at the moment, so his post will be filled by Professor Grubbyplank." He paused a moment. "I would also like to introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore gestured over to a woman who was dressed in all pink. You noted that she looked remarkably like a toad, that is if a toad wore a lot of bright pink lipstick and a huge pink bow on their heads. 

After Umbridge sat  down, Dumbledore continued on to explain some rules and restrictions. Just as he was about to tell us that we were not to use magic in the corridors, he was interrupted by a soft 'hem, hem'. Dumbledore stopped and looked at Umbridge as most of the Great Hall did. She walked out from behind the table and in front of Dumbledore, her bright pink heels clicking with every step.

"Thank you Dumbledore for those kinds words of welcome." Her voice was very high pitched, it reminded you a lot of nails against a chalkboard. "It is quite lovely to be here seeing all of your faces smiling back at me." 

You glanced around to see absolutely nobody smiling up at the pink toad. 

After Umbridge said her speech, Dumbledore started to clap and everyone followed to be polite. Dumbledore rambled on a bit and then sent us all to bed.

You were talking to Ron when you heard a familiar voice shout out to Neville.

"Oi Longbottom!" You turned to see Draco Malfoy walking up to Neville. You and Draco never really got along with each other, even if you tried to befriend him in your first year. You stood next to Neville. "Ready to fail another year? I don't see why you keep coming back! Why don't you just give up?" 

You could see Neville turning red and tears forming in his eyes.

"Bug off Malfoy!" You said. "Mummy wouldn't want her precious son to have another broken nose, now would she?" You held up your fist. Draco glared at you for a moment before walking away with his friends.

"You didn't have to do that Y/N." Neville said in a small voice as you two walked to the Gryffindor common room.

"Well I couldn't just sit there and watch that git bully you." You said. "I had to say something."

It could've been the lighting, but you swore you saw Neville smile and blush a bit when you said this. 

You two arrived at the Common Room and said goodnight to each other as you went up to your dormitories. You were quite tired so you got your pajamas on and quickly fell asleep.

Your couple days back at Hogwarts went well. You had gotten closer to Neville, and you had great grades so far. You loved all your classes except for Defense Against the Dark Arts, which slightly disappointed you because this was usually your favorite class due to how fun it usually was. But ever since Umbridge started teaching it, you've done nothing but read and copy lines on what you should and shouldn't do when casting spells and which spells were ministry approved for underage wizards to be taught.

Harry had just gotten back from his detention from Umbridge for talking against the ministry. Or as she put it 'telling lies' about the dark lords return and Cedric Diggory's death. 

You personally believed Harry that he-who-must-not-be-named was back unlike a good amount of people, including Umbridge. Some people haven't spoken to you for believing Harry, but it didn't bother you.

You looked over at Harry and saw that his hand seemed irritated.

"What's that on your hand, Harry?" You asked, Neville now looking over at him too.

"Nothing?" He showed you his normal looking hand. Hermione must've noticed the irritation too and grabbed his other hand. On it were the words 'I must not tell lies' written into his skin.

"You've got to tell Dumbledore." Hermione said in a worried tone of voice.

"No," Harry replied shaking his head. "He's got enough on his mind already."

"The woman's torturing you, Harry." Ron said. Harry just shook his head and left the common room.

After a minute or so of awkward silence, Neville spoke up.

"Hey Y/N?" He asked.

"What's up?"

"Do you want to go down to the Greenhouses with me?" He blushed a bit while saying this, you thought it was embarrassment. "I've been working on some plants that you might be interested in. It's okay if you don't want to though.."

"Sure, I'd love to go!" You replied with a smile. You were glad that Neville caught on to your growing interest in Herbology, and that he was willing to spend some time with you. Honestly you didn't see why he did want to spend time with you. You thought you where pretty boring. Though you did seem pretty funny to other people- they always laughed at your last minute jokes.

The two of you walked down to the Greenhouses as Neville rambled on a bit about some of his favorite plants that he's worked with. He specifically liked a plant called Alihotsy, which could cause hysteria or possibly (very rarely) death if it was treated improperly. But Neville said that he liked it because when it's taken in smaller doses, it can really help mental heath.

When you two arrived at the Greenhouse, Neville showed you some plants while you asked some questions eagerly. He answered your questions with a bit of enthusiasm. You could tell that he was happy that he had someone to finally share all of his ideas and discoveries with.

You looked over and saw a plant that looked like a golden flower.

"What's that?" You asked, pointing at it.

Neville looked at the plant you pointed at and his face lit up. "Oh! This plant shows you your happiest memory, whether you've already experienced it or not." He went over to it and brought it back to where you two were sitting.

"So it can like, tell the future?" You asked, looking at it more closely. It looked like it was covered in glitter now that you see it more closely.

"Well, not exactly." He said. "It depends on whether you've already had your 'happiest moment' or not. And if it does show you the future, It's never really clear."

"Huh, that's really cool." You say.

"It is." He said. "Do you wanna try it?"

"Try it?" You asked, looking back at him.

"Well I mean you don't have to- it was just a suggestion-" He stuttered a but, thinking you thought that his idea was stupid.

"I do wanna try it just- is it safe?" You asked him, seeing as you accidentally made him a bit embarrassed.

"Well, uhm, yes, from what I've read." Neville said.

"Well how does it work?" You ask, looking at the plant more closely.

"You just smell it and you should get a vision." Neville says. "Oh, and just a quick warning, you might get a bit dizzy afterwards."

You nod and take a small sniff of the flower. You wait for a moment but nothing happens.

"How long does this-" But your sentence is interrupted by a whirl of colors in front of your eyes.

Yo Yo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it took me so long to come out with it. Believe it or not, I thought I was gonna get this out the same week I posted my first chapter! But then I got caught in writers block once more. But to make up for it, I tried to make this chapter longer. Anyways, be sure to vote if you liked this! Bai!

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