Grandice story. Candice Is 9 months pregnant, her and Grant are getting ready for there baby girl. But a lot of ups and down come before and even after the baby is born. Will there love be strong enough to keep them together or will it all fall apar...
Candice's POV: Being in Vancouver has been really hard on me. I'm just so home sick I miss my friends and family from L.A. it's been really hard but not going back for thanksgiving and now I may not be going for Christmas and it's just really hard. I miss my parents and seeing them over the phone just isn't enough. I hear Olivia stir next to me and turn towards her as she opens her eyes waking up from her nap. "Hey pretty girl" I smile wide at her "Mama!" She smiles back at me pulling me shirt to climb up on me, she lays down on my chest and I rock her back and forth and pat her back. "Did you sleep good princess." I ask and she nods "Eat eat" I take her downstairs and open the pantry and turn her so she could see. And she points and says "uit nack! Uit nack" a smile as she points to the box trying to say fruit snack, a grab three packs two for her one for me and head back upstairs. I put on Disney junior and open her fruit snacks setting her in front of the tv. 30 mins later* "Candice! babe!" "We're up here" I yell from the bedroom "Dada! Dada!" Olivia says bouncing up and down Grant comes into the room smiling swooping her up and spinning her around. She screams and laughs and I smile from where I'm sitting on the bed. He kisses her cheeks and then comes to me "Hi" he says smiling the biggest smile "Hi" I say back and he leans in and kisses my lips "I missed you" " I missed you too" *********************************************************** "Heyyyyy" Azie comes running up to me to hugs me tight spinning me around I giggle "Hey! I missed you" I link my arm in hers as we begin walking we start catching up on everything going on. After awhile she stops and turns towards me "Okay sis what going on I know you didn't just call me to just catch up, when we see each other once a week to do that." I look down at the ground shifting on my feet. She grabs my hand and leads us to the nearest bench sitting down. "Im listening" I wake a few seconds to find my words "It's just been so hard Az and I don't know how much longer I can take this. Not being able to go home or take Olivia to see her grandparents and I try to put on a brave face and I try my hardest to explain why she hasn't been able to see her grandparents in almost a year but it's just so hard." I turn away from her so she doesn't see my tears "Hey, you don't have to cover up from me it's okay." She say turning my face back towards her. "Does Grant know?" "He knows I'm homesick and that it's been taking a toll on me but between working and taking care of a toddler we've barely had time to really talk about it, and I know it's effecting him I just... I" and she pulls me into her arm as I breakdown. After I calm down she speaks "Why don't I take Olivia for the weekend." I start to sit up to protest but she tightens her hold on me. "Meagan can come over and we can spend the weekend together with Olivia, just so you and Grant can spend some much needed time together as husband and wife. And we'll call you every morning and night and if anything going wrong. And I'm not ask you I'm telling you that this is going to happen so you can't tell me no." She says finally letting me go "Really?" "Really plus I know she misses us, and we'll take COVID test before she comes for safety." "I have no words, thank you! Thank you!" "It's my pleasure, you guys deserve it you've been so an amazing job I'm so proud of you." She smiles and I smile back I pull her up and loop are arms again continuing our walk. A/n:thanksforreadinglovesthisisuneditedI'lldothattomorrowbuttheyearsalmostup✨❤️praisegod😂belowIsapictureofAzieforanyonewhodoesn'tknowwhatshelookslike.💗🦋🥺
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