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I was chilling in my room, playing games as Lisa started to text me. She always seems to make my day whenever I see or think of her ☺️

Baby L <3 : walking to CEO's office, wish me luck babes <3 <3

T 💐 : goodluck m'love


I take a deep breath as I stand in front of my CEO's office, I see my screen pop up and Taehyung's text. I smile and remember why I'm doing this, for Taehyung.

I knock on the door and hear a 'come in', I open the door and walk in. I bow to my CEO as she bows back and take a sit in front of her.

"Hi Lisa, what's up?" CEO-nim says

"I have something to tell you that I've been hiding from you..." I say and her face drops.

"Are you taking drugs?" She says

"No?" I say

"Did you have sex?" She says

"No." I say

"Did you drink?" She says

"No." I say

"Did you get a tattoo?" She says

"No!" I say

"Oh, then what is it?" She says with a soft smile and looks down

"I'm dating someone..." I say, she stops moving, looks up with a unsure expression.

"Who are you dating?" She says

"Taehyung...from BTS." I say shyly.

"Oh! That's fine, I'm actually friends with his CEO!" She says in a calm tone....wait SHES FRIENDS WITH TAEHYUNG'S CEO?

"Wait what?!?!" I say shocked

"Yeah, we've known each other for a while!" She says and I nod confusedly.

"Are you okay with me dating Taehyung though?" I say

"Well, I guess so. I trust Bang Si-Hyuk so hopefully I can trust his idols. Plus, Taehyung sounds like a good boy! And you're someone I can trust, you're an adult and you're allowed to do whatever you want. I'm glad you have let me know and I didn't have to find out, is it serious? Your relationship?" She says, I smile inside as she says all that. This was all I ever wanted

"Yeah, I think I love him...a lot." I say and she smiles.

"Well, I'll talk to Bang Si-Hyuk about you two about releasing a statement. Maybe some collaborations if you and the others are down?" She says and I smile and nod.

"That'd be amazing! Thank you." I say and bow again

"I'm glad you're happy Lisa, it makes me happy. Now go and rest tonight, leave the rest to me!" She says, I nod and leave. I get my phone out and start to text Taehyung about what happened :


T 💐 : YES

Baby L <3 : she said........

Baby L <3 : no :(

T 💐 : What.

Baby L <3 : jk she said YES OFC
Baby L <3 : so happy jdlskshskla

T 💐 : omgosh YES
T 💐 : i'm excited
T 💐 : btw bring your unnies tonight, my hyungs wanna come and celebrate.

Baby L <3 : haha okay!!!! I'll see u soon love

T 💐 : i love u 🤟

I enter the dorm and see all my unnies on the couch watching a movie.

"I did it!" I say

"Did what?" Chaeyoungie says

"I told CEOnim about Taehyung and I!" I say and they all had shocked faces

"What did she say?!" Jennie unnie asks

"She said, she supports it and she's willing to release a statement about it! Which is what I wanted all along.." I say as a big weight is lifted off my chest and all my unnies hug me.

"We're so happy for you Lils!" Jisoo unnie says

"Yeah, I'm happy! By the way, Tae asked if you guys want to go out and have dinner? His hyungs are coming so it'll be a big celebration kinda!" I say

"I'm down!" Jennie unnie says

"We needa get ready then!" Chaeyoungie says as we all stand and get ready for dinner.

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