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Death. Everyone knows that it's natural, it comes for us all indiscriminately...yet humans continue to fear it. We try and try to find ways to evade its cold hollow grasp, inventing machines and medicine in an endless cycle. For what? Yes, death always leads to grieving, loose ends, unfinished business. But why? Why have we not accepted the irrefutable fact that an end does exist, why do we shake and weep at the reaper's empty gaze?

The unknown.

Humans hope for a second chapter, a sequel to the turning pages of life. We've created fictional hopes of continuation: heaven, reincarnation, isekai. We've created punishments we have no control over, handed out by beings higher than us: hell, the underworld, eternal damnation. We create and create and create with no conclusion, bickering over who's right with forged evidence or simple illusions of the mind. We lie ourselves to sleep, hoping that illogical becomes logical, that reality will...what? You expect a mindless setting, something without sentience, to alter itself according to unwarranted faith?

Stop trying to fight it.

Death is an ending, a limiter on the living to prevent us from reaching too far, from trying too hard to obtain that which shouldn't be obtained in one lifetime or even several. If your "god's" creations are so perfect than why do you mock the final step of their grand design? I can't fathom why you're scared; doesn't your "heaven" exist?

At least I have the answer, the one resounding truth I can finally grasp. There is no shining palace of bliss, no burning wasteland of the sinful and certainly no omnipotent creator that controls every event behind the scenes.


It's nothing, everything is quite literally nothing. Colour is gone, my body left behind in the mortal realm and my sense along with it. Honestly, there could be everything I said there wasn't and I simply wouldn't be capable of discovering it but why would you put something there that no one can even acknowledge? You wouldn't. The only thing I know is here are my thoughts, the questions and answers roaming around my conscious, left in the void I now reside in to forever be left to myself...

What kind of bullshit is this!?

My life; my struggles for a good life amounted to this garbage!? I worked damn hard; I deserve a consolation prize at least! Jesus wept on a barren field, I viewed life as a buggy game, a simulation that had a defined score system that kept changing at a moment's notice, but this...this is just defective!

I was promised something! You can't possibly say that the collective speculation of the human race, built upon the adaptations taken to advance us to the point we reached the moon, wasn't even fractionally close to the truth, can you!? I want my isekai, the fantasy world overflowing with magic and girls, yes girls! Elves, cat girls, dwarves, mermaids, demons, orcs, onis, vampires, even humans! The culmination of every man's desires, the penultimate perfection of finely tuned taste etched into every molecule of the divine beauties sprung from the deepest wells of erotic fantasies spewed from the convoluted human mind! Cute, dorky, curvaceous, dumb, athletic, tsundere, yandere, deredere, attentive, eccentric, genius, two-faced, lustful, erotic, tomboy, regal! All of them an integral factor of the one true harem dream, a dream shared by all cultured individuals across the world and will likely spread across the stars! And the bodies aren't even the limit! Clothes! The silky fabric woven around the supple flesh of every feminine figure that serves to accentuate their every unique and endearing quality! Maids, waitresses, bunny outfits, cosplay, maiden, queens, princesses, yoga, normal. All of them serve the purpose of invigorating the body before the real main event begins, a prelude to the defining act of every experience! Yet this game...this poor excuse of a crappy game that some useless beta tester must have approved missed every. Single. One!? Defective haywire piece of infected flaming gaming crap! Is it genuinely possible to stray so far from the target market that you wander into the absolute polar opposite category, nay! You created a whole new category together just to further distance yourself and alienate the ideal users!? I wish I could raise a cry of protest, a denial, but I can't since I lived in it! This reality was a pile of utter crap, I want a refund! Indeed, some women were attractive and many men were stunning (Faith, Canada, Aspi, Kid, Leo, Red~), I will admit to that at some why have illustrations, drawn anime characters, that far surpass the achievable range of available looks (Not you guys~)!? You give us a dream, a realisation of the emotions instilled and embedded within our very hearts that resonates with our being, and let it govern our tastes and preferences while not letting it be feasibly obtainable, the mental anguish which we must bear as an agonising scar...

Where the hell is my apology for shoving me into this worthless shoddy excuse of a game, where you're brutally punished for winning or losing too much!? Are we meant to be endless average copies, drones in a system as fundamentally flawed like communism, and end up her on an eternal bloody loop of suffering? That's...that's just too cruel...

[Request recognised: Reincarnation, New world, Fantasy, Mana positive, Extensive carnal desire fulfilment, Potential of self-barrier breaker, Grand creators, Heaven, Hell, Cruel, Too cruel]

Wait, wait, wait wha-!?

[Compiling new character file based on mind analysis and previous public perceptions...37%]

-t!? This isn't logic-!


-al! Why now; why not earlier!?

[Character file compilation complete. Searching for new world...Match found: Iverness]

I swear to whatever thing is doing, whatever being, is doing this, if you da-!

[Stable interdimensional transfer link established. Initiating character file upload to acquired coordinates of sufficient 'cruelty' parameters specified]



So yeah, I'm back! Phew, this took a while to get going and it wasn't even better appreciate this or I'll be upset! Anyways, this is my new book and chapter 1 will hopefully be out within the next few days, I hope you enjoy it while also pointing out any mistakes I make.

Join me and Arktal on the conquest of Iverness!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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