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Harry's POV

"Hermione I really need to go check on something can I please go. Iv studied enough." I complained. "Fine Harry. But when you fail Dark arts done blame me!" Hermione bickered trying to wake Ron up. I got up out of thar common room as fast as I could. I wanted to go ask her how she did. Did she beat Malfoy?How did the boys treat her? Questions filled my head as I made my way down towards the castle entrance. That's where I saw her talking to Malfoy. She was close to the great hall so she was not going down the the slytherin common room. If she was, she would have gone towards down the seventh year classrooms.

"Draco I'm going to see somebody real quick. I'll see you at dinner." I heard Aubrey say. Perfect. "Bye Aubrey." That was the first time iv seen him call anybody by there first name. The moment draco was out of sight I ran to Aubrey. "Harry!" She said and we hugged. "How did you?" I asked first not wanting to let her go. "I beat Draco's ass and shut the whole team up." She said as I finally pulled away. "Brilliant." I said. I knew she'd do well but I didn't expect her to show up the whole team. "You have to tell me all about it." I insisted. "I don't think Ron and Hermione want to listen to us talk about quidditch. I'm going to shower. Stop by my dorm in like twenty minutes and we can go to hogsmeat." She said with a warm smile. "That works." We hugged again than she ran off.

We had been getting quite close. The me we talked and hung out the more I fell for her. However every time we were just walking to class together I can see everybody looking at her. I had the whole damn school to compete with. But she was worth it. Her dirty blonde hair and perfect blue eyes were gorgeous. Also the way she speaks and the way she acts is just perfect. She's also fucking smart. Hermione never stops asking for her tests to compare grades. She goes bloody mental every time Aubrey has a higher grade. It didn't matter tho, she was perfect in every way. Malfoy is starting to notice it to. It's driving me mental. I just need an excuse to flirt with her. Then maybe I can find out is she feels the same.

Aubreys POV

I washed my hair and my body, dried off the put my hair in a messy bun. I put on a black crop top with cargo pants with a chain belt. I looked at myself in the mirror. I never really cared how I looked but every now and then I would see every imperfection on myself. I wasn't skinny, my hair wasn't a pure blonde. My shoulders were to wide. Everything. I just wanted to look more like Hermione and Ginny. Ginny was Ron's sister so I made sure we had a good friendship. But I grabbed my wand and my wallet and and waited around in the common area. That's when draco walked in.

"Why are you all dressed up?" He asked. "Just going out with a friend. He wants to know how tryouts went." I told him. "Don't tell me that your going out with that bunch of Gryffindors." He scoffed. "No I'm just going with Harry." I snapped back. I wasn't liking the way he was talking about him. "He's a git." He mumbled and walked back to his dorm. I rolled my eyes then heard a voice outside. "What did she say the password was?" A confused voice said. I just did him a favor and walked out. "It's pure blood." I said and laughed. Then we made are way down the hogsmeat.


We down at a table to get some butter beers at the three broom sticks. "Ok now tell me everything." He said. Harry was as excited as a kid on Christmas. Although I don't think he's ever had that exact experience. "So I buy a broom at this shop draco shows me then I go to the pitch and when I tell them I want to try out they straight up laugh in my face." I told him. He looked shocked. "Bloody hell that must have been embarrassing.." he said. "Not really I just kinda made my way through the crowed to get to my position then we scrimmaged. I think that's what it's called." I clarified. He nodded his head wanting to hear more, "Then I caught the snitch! Flew back to the ground they looked at draco with disappointment almost. Sad really, I felt bad for him." I said. A witch placed two butter beers in front of us and we began to drink them.

"Wait you really felt bad for him?" Harry asked confused. "Duh. He's a good friend." I said in the same way Hermione says when she's annoyed. "He must be really different to his own house." Harry muttered. "What does he do to you?" I asked confused. "Any chance he gets to make a rude comment to me or Ron he takes. Not to mention he called Ginny my girlfriend in front of the entire school once. He also calls Hermione a filthy little mud blood." I was shocked. Draco seemed so nice to me. Ron did tell me to not go befriending him but still. I thought he had changed. "What a joke! Draco has been nothing but nice to me yet he just goes off and does all that shit. I'll talk with him later." I said with a mix of anger, disappointment, and confusion. "Your welcome to stay in the Gryffindor rooms tonight. I would understand if you didn't want to be around him any longer." Harry offered. "Harry that sounds wonderful." I say taking his offer up.

Harry's POV

I'd finally gotten her to see what Malfoy was really like. Now all I had to do was make her like me the same way I like her. "What me to show you around Hogsmeat? You'll find yourself down here a lot." I offer. "Yes please. I need to try and look like a normal student. I guess most people have figured there way around the ground by 4th year." She said laughing a bit. I was doing my best not to blush and it was working well. "Let's get out of here." I said getting up to go pay. But she already did. "I could have gotten that." I said. "Well you didn't know let's go." She winked. I playfully rolled my eyes and we walked around hogsmeat. Just laughing and talking. As we were walking down a street it started snowing lightly. "It snows around here?" She said confused. "It does but not normally this early in the year." I replied. "Oh god what did the twins do." She joked we laughed and kept walking. We walked into honey dukes and looked at all sorts of candy's. "What do things things do?" She asked picking up a box of candy. She handed it to me and I read the label truth gummy's. "There like normal gummy bears with truth Serum in them." I said handing it back to her. "Why would anybody need gummy's to tell the truth." She said and placed it back on the self. "There mostly used for games liked truth or dare." I answered. "They play that here?" She asked. "Yeah! In the Gryffindor commons whenever we can get Hermione to not yell at us for playing around people play it." I answered. "We should play tonight! I haven't played since I was like 11!" She said with a warm smile. I nodded and laughed, "I'll get the quidditch team together and we can play tonight." She looked ecstatic.

We continued to walk around hogsmeat. But as it was getting closer to closer to dinner people started making there way back. Therefore more people were on the street. Thus, more people seeing me and the girl everybody wanted, together.

Aubreys POV

We were walking out of hogsmeat after a great day. That's when I noticed people staring at me and Harry. "What did I fuck up." I whispered causing us to laugh. "If you haven't noticed people in the castle can't take there eyes off you, mainly because the nicest looking girl in Hogwarts was Hermione until you showed up." Harry said. I don't know why but something about that made me blush. Like really blush. The kind were you can't stop it no matter how hard you try. So I just chucked trying to forget it. He looked behind his shoulder then turned back to me, "Are you cold?" He asked. "Oh not-." He already had his jacket draped over my shoulders. "Thanks." I laughed pulling my arms through the sleeves.

Draco's POV

Me and Flint we're walking back from hogsmeat to the castle for dinner. We had been discussing the quidditch team and had decided to let her play but I would be the captain. As we were walking into the crowed I saw, her. There she was. Dirty blonde hair in a messy bun, and Potters jacket on. It drove me fucking mad. I had never been so pissed in my life. I hated how she looked next to him. I hated how his name was on her back. I hated everything about them together. "Malfoy is something wrong mate?" Flint asked noticing my sudden face change. "I'm fine." I said and pushed my way out of the crowd. I wasn't about to be there any longer.

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