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Thursday, July 29th 2021

„I have a few days off now, i'll be back on Tuesday“ i told to the older lady on my way out of her room. Even though she wasn’t the youngest anymore she was still quite young compared to the other people living here.

„Have a nice time! Do you have any plans?“ She asked me. I liked this lady because she’s always very nice and you can have nice talks with her. I told her the truth „Yes! I'm spending the weekend in London and i'm going to a concert there on Saturday! I’m So excited!“ She answered me „That sounds amazing! Have fun!“ i thanked her as i left her room to go to the duty room to grab my bag and my jacket to go home. It was 1pm so time to leave.

The last day of work before a few days off always seem longer but today it felt simply endless because of the excitement! Not only having a few days off but also the upcoming trip and finally seeing Creeper live for the first ever time!

After putting on my dark blue denim jacket with a small Callous Heart patch above the upper pocket and grabbed my bag. I said bye to Vita my favorite Coworker.

I loved working with her. She was around my age so we had a lot to talk about, got along well and it was nice working with her.

She asked me „are you there tomorrow too?“

„No, i have a few days off now, i'll be back on tuesday" i replied.

„Nice! Do you have any plans for those days?“ she asked.

My eyes brightened as i talked about my plans „Yes! I’ll spend the weekend in London! My flight goes tomorrow! My first trip on my own and i'm going to see one of my favorite bands on saturday!“

„Sounds fun! What band are you seeing?“ She asked back.

„Creeper. They aren’t really famous in germany but in england, where they come from, they’re growing! Last year their most recent album got into the charts over there and that concert on saturday is very special! Definitely worth a trip to London!“ i smiled while talking.

„Sounds intresting! Why is that concert special“ Vita got intrested.

„It's the anniversary show of their most recent album, they will play it in order! The venue they're playing at also is very important to the bands history! On this venue on November 1st 2018 they faked breaking up on stage to work on this album in secret! They always do those stunts! I wonder what they’re doing for the next album!!“ After telling her this i showed her one of the most recent Band pictures. „…this is Sean their bassist. This is Oliver, their rythm guitarist. This is Ian, their lead guitarist. This is Hannah, keyboardist and Co vocalist. And this is Will, the singer…“
Vita just couldn’t look away from Will! Wow! He's so hot! Does he have a girlfriend?“

„Yes! Her name is Charlotte, a very nice girl! They’re such a dream couple! And Will has a side project where like all songs are dedicated to her!“ i crushed her dreams.

„Tell him that if things don’t work out i'd gladly marry him" she said jokingly.

„Haha i will“ i laughed then added „i might actually talk to him tho! Those small bands are very close to fans! I talk to them a lot on social media and they refer to their fans as friends!“ Once i started talking about them i couldn’t stop.

„Wow! You’re actually making me jealous now!“ She told me.

„One second!“ i told her and put on some Creeper songs so she could listen to them. I started with Suzanne. Vita immediately liked it.

„Wow! They’re great!“ she said.

„This is one of their most popular songs" i told her while playing Misery. Vita smiled „wowww! Wills voice is as amazing as his looks!“

„Hey! Don’t reduce him on his looks!“ I said strictly but laughed to signalize i don’t mean it seriously and played her the next song. I choose to live.

Some days I feel like crying, and I know you feel that too
But life don't seem as dark when I sing with you, with you

Oh, oh, oh, I choose to live
Oh, oh, oh, I choose to live

We both couldn’t help but sing along to this song. „very catchy" Vita commented.

„Now it's time to show you Hannahs voice!“ i said and played four years ago. „Her voice is absolutely breathtaking and how it blends in perfectly with Wills voice!“ Vita nearly started fangirling.

Then we listened to the whole album i was going to see live. „Wow! You’re making me a fan" Vita said to me.

„And you fell in love with Will!“ i commented laughing. As a result Vita turned Red like a tomato.

A while later i changed the topic a little. I pointed my finger at the patch on my jacket that i’m wearing for ages already „this Patch is the symbol of Creeper and nearly every Fan has one on a jacket!“
„Nice! How often did you see them live already?“ She asked me.

„It's going to be the first time even though i already know them as they were just starting out!“

We forgot the time while talking so we didn’t notice how it was 2pm already and the late shift arrived and turned to me „aren't you off for an hour already?“

Before i had any chance to answer, Vita took the word „she’s trying to go home for an hour but she’s spending the weekend in London and gping to a concert there and we forgot the time talking about that band…“ she explained.

„You mean you fell in love with Will?“ She turned red again and tried to avoid the topic. „Sure but now go home not that you miss the plane.

„Don’t worry, i’m not flying till tomorrow!“ i reassured her, still laughing. I said bye to them and went out of that nursing home i work at. At this point the excitement was unbearable. I was convinced this would be the best night of my life.

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