the test

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After a week of studying with yachi i feel pretty confident about todays test. I walked into the second year hallway and made my way to class, reading over my notes last minute.
"Yo!" I hear a familiar voice call out from behind me and turn around. "I thought yachi helped you study? You have no need to study now" noya laughed while patting me on the back.
"Hey Noya!" I say, looking back at my notes. Noya steps in front of me, looking up slightly. I may not be that much taller than him, but its enough to get on his nerves.
"Im serious Y/N! You are crazy smart, you will do fine!" noya put his arm out to his side before dropping them to his hips. "And since we are early... do you mind coming to the vending machine with me?... I didn't have time to eat this morning." my best friend looked away from me kind of embarrassed. I giggled a bit before putting my notes back in my bag.
"Sure, but since you are taking from my study time, you owe me a snack from the convenience store after school." noya smiled and nodded before walking towards were the vending machines are. He pushed a button and got some chips. "Really? You need to have a better breakfast than that!" I nudge him with my elbow. "Well anyway, are you ready for tomorrow's practice game?" noya turned back towards me with a mouthful of chips.
"Yeahwearegoingtowinimready" his cheeks are all puffed up. God can he swallow first? Regardless of his manners, he still is determined.

~time skip to after class~

    I run out of class with my test in hand. Noya sees me and looks confused.
"What's the rush y/n?" noya asks catching up to me. I hold up my test, not only did I pass, but i did above average. "DUDE! Thats awesome that means you will get to go to the practice game!" i nod and keep running to find kiyoko.
Once i am out of the building I look around to find the raven-haired 3rd year. "y/n? What are you looking for?" I turn around and see just the girl i was looking for. I hand her my test and she smiles,"great job! Im glad you can come to the game." me too kiyoko, me too.

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