Practice game

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~time skip to after school the day of the practice game~

Its finally the day of the practice game and the team is pumped. After us managers load up what we will need, we all get into the bus. Yachi and Kiyoko sit next to each other, so i have to find a seat next to one of the boys. Well noya is next to tanaka, so not him. I walk back a few seats and sit next to sugawara. "Hey suga!" i say waving at him. Noya may be my best friend, but suga is practically a brother to me. I ruffle his gray hair while laughing and he looks over at me.

"Hi y/n" he says smiling and removing my hand from his head. "Do you think we will win the practice game?" he asks.

"DUH! You guys have been practicing so hard" i hold my fist up and playfully punch his shoulder, "you need to show some confidence~" suga chuckled a little and patted my shoulder. The rest of the ride we just joked around and talked about our day. We arrived at aoba johsai and all got out of the bus. Unlike kiyoko, i have never actually been to any games against aoba johsai, i do know some things about certain players based of what kiyoko told me though. I started helping out the team early this year, but it seems everytime we had a game against them i had something else.

"y/n? Can you help me carry in the water bottles?" kiyoko asked peeking out the back of the bus. I nod and grab a cooler of water and follow the boys to the gym. Aoba johsai sure is much bigger than karasuno. While looking around the cooler slips from my fingers.

"Woah, careful" someone catches the cooler and helps me readjust my hold. I look up and see a tall brown haired boy, and when i say tall, i mean TALL, but then again maybe it's because i'm short... "well... i've never seen you before, who are you?" he asks staring at my manager jacket.

"Oh i'm one of the karasuno volleyball managers. We are here for a practice game... speaking of which, i need to go. Thank you, bye~!" I run over to the gym and walk inside. Both teams are warming up still, perfect.I set the cooler down and begin to watch the competition, there is nothing to odd about the players, but the shrieking girls up in the stands are a little odd. I walk over to Kiyoko and whisper "what's up with those girls?" kiyoko looks at them then sighs.

"Probably just Oikawa's fan girls." his what? I know kiyoko said he was popular but what the heck? This oikawa character has got to be like crazy attractive or something. "Oh yeah they are definitely fangirls, look number one just walked in" I look over and realize that this 'Oikawa' was actually the boy that helped me with the cooler. I must have made a verbal "oh" sound because kiyoko looked at me confused.

"I just met him a little bit ago, he helped me when i dropped the cooler" kiyoko nodded and looked down at her notebook. I look back at the opposing team and see mr. ladies-man himself looks over at me, he smiles and waves earning me a few death stares from the fangirls. Whatever i have my own team to worry about.

The game didn't go to planned, aoba johsai is crazy good, and their number one...well he was crazy good too. I walk over to the team and say "hey! No sweat, all this shows is what we need to work on" everyone smiles and daichi continues giving them some sort of motivational speech. I smile and grab the cooler to take it to the bus again. While im in the hall a certain setters voice comes from behind me, "yoo-hoo, manager-chan" I turn around and see oikawa with a smug look on his face.

"What do you want? And don't call me manager-chan" oikawa walks closer and smirks even more. " well what do you want me to call you? Maybe my girlfriend?" I stare at him wide-eyed.

"Excuse me?" i stare at the setter with a look that could kill and set down the cooler. "Well, what is wrong with you?"

"Only the fact that i haven't gotten a name yet...well what can i call you?" he says chuckling. I look at him with a disapproving look and take a deep breath. Suddenly i hear high pitched squealing and what sounds like people calling oikawa's name. Luckily i was right and a horde of fangirls surround oikawa. As annoying as they are, I'm glad that i'm given this opportunity to slip away, oikawa smiles at the girls, but i can see him looking around to find someone...probably me, i run off with the cooler and meet up with the team at the bus.

"Where have you been?" nishinoya asks me when i climb onto the bus, i explain what happened and as if like clockwork him and tanaka shoot each other a look. "I wish he would try and flirt with one of our goddess managers again." nishinoya and tanaka say in unison. I roll my eyes and sit down next to suga, just like on the way here.

Suga falls asleep leaning on the window, so I just put in my earbuds and listen to some music. Looking out the window at the miyagi landscape, i begin to chuckle at todays events, as annoying as it was, boy is it ridiculous looking back at it...aoba johsai sure is an odd team.



Thanks for reading my story. Can we please appreciate this fanart, I cannot find the artist so please help ya girl out so I can credit them because I love it so freaking much. I really don't have a lot to say at this point, except I do plan on doing a Christmas special chapter , sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas I just understand that holiday more than others and I don't want to accidentally get anything wrong, I'll try to keep the actual Christmas stuff on the DL so it can be more relevant for all the lovely readers 💖. Thank you again for reading!!!!

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