Kageyama Tobio 🌧 -F

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Title: See you again

I'm so lucky to have met you!
I want to keep meeting you
So when we die lets both meet in the afterlife
Then we can be friends again, even if its only that
I'll always love you
I wish I could've told you in person but life's unfair
So lets meet by that lake one last time before i go
*.·:·.☽✧ ✧☾.·:·.*

As i walk towards the village library, since today is my day off, i bump into a familiar face "hey there Kageyama you also got today off?"
My childhood best-friend, we got into a lot of arguments when we were little but they eventually died down. The first time we ever met was by this beautiful lake, it wasn't to cold but not super warm either. Sure i had other friends but i would never trade him for anyone.

Which is why i kept my feelings a secret. I didn't want to ruin our bond which took forever to make, and with the war going on and us both being soldiers....
The thought of death was always lingering in the back of our head.

"Yeah" he looked towards me doing an awkward little smile "would you like to come to the library with me?" He simply nods so we head off to the library.
Once we arrive we get seated both having books, as I'm reading my book i fail to notice the sleepy blueberry looking at me. When finishing my chapter after what felt like minutes but was actually hours "Kageyama are you- ah oh well thats nothing new" looking to see the boy asleep.

He was never one for reading in the first place so i wasn't to surprised, shaking him lightly "Kageyama its time to go" he seemed to slowly wake up before his eyes shut again "come on Kageyama we have to go"


"Ne, Bff/n can you promise me something?"



After my conversation with Bff/n I finally head to the grounds seeing as she is a doctor not a soldier. I find Kageyama, Hinata, and R/n this is our squad then?

"Hey there!" Hinata looks at me stars in his eyes, kageyama just waves while R/n trys to flirt. "You guys aren't supposed to be to over run over here so you guys spread out" We hear from the Captain who was passing by, so we split the tall forest trees shading us from the blinding sun.
That is were split up tell we group back together somehow in the midst of the forest. "Well this is unforeseen" R/n grumbled.

Out of nowhere a monster attacked, no not a monster a trained Wolf but a large one. When all of us were down, but one
"R/n...?" They simply laughed at us "wow you people really are foolish, believing the im a flirt act, but you Y/n your the worst."

I looked shocked the hell did i do to him? More on top of that the hell is going on?
"Pinning for someone but never telling them scared of what they would think, well if I can't have you, You can't have him!" He shot an arrow at Kageyama nearly missing his shoulder, racing over to help me and hinata prepare to fight.

It turned for the worst, after a few hits Hinata had injured his ankle, kageyama was pinned down by arrows and me i was standing prepared to sacrifice anything and everything for those boys to live.
An arrow through the heart, definitely a painful way to die but it couldn't be more fitting. A sacrifice of falling in love and having a arrow through your heart in the end.

Timeskip (3rd POV)

"She still wanted to....... to confess but she never got to" bff/n whispered as the dead body of Y/n returned, along with an injured Hinata and a blank stare Kageyama, like he was questioning his whole life "She's.....gone.. she's really gone?" Seeming to break down shocking everyone.

"Kageyama-san i think you might want to hear what she wanted to say to you, but couldn't"

Flashback time

"Bff/n can you promise me something?"
Nodding and looking at the H/c haired girl as she walked along the dirt path by the river.
"Anything" Bff/n responded
"Well i was gonna say tell kageyama i like him for me but what if one of us dies?? Then i guess we'll have to meet in the afterlife and be together there!"
Bff/n scoffed "even though your a soldier you still think about having a family with the boy" Y/n rapidly nodded her head
"You're such a goof Y/n" silence followed

"Hey bff/n"
"Yeah" y/n looked the her best friend straight in the eyes, her eyes dulled with the smallest shine of hope for surviving.
"Promise me if i die in this battle that you'll tell kageyama my feelings, I'll be watching with S/n up where ever i go. So please tell him for me"

Flashback over

"So just know that girl loved you with all her heart, no matter if you couldn't be together, live your life happy know this" bff/n walked away taking their hand off his shoulder. Kageyama started to malfunction, the confusion of his feelings being returned but the pain of losing the exact person that returned them.

Eventually he passed of from exhaustion, tears staining his cheeks as he dreams a of beautiful lake, standing in the shallows was that familiar girl with h/l H/c hair looking into the distance.

"I can't wait to see you again Tobio"

*.·:·.☽✧ ✧☾.·:·.*
It was nice knowing you
I always looked at you in envy
You seemed to shine like a star, your eyes, your hair
Everything about you seemed perfect,
I guess life thought so to
Because like flowers, the beautiful ones get picked
Is that why you left before you could tell me?

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