Tendou Satori ☁️ -N

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Title: Hide!

Yesterday Tendou and Y/n were messing around in class, despite the test going on. The teacher doing their teacher job took away there test saying they would fail if they didn't come to detention to finish them. Which meant you started to freak out, go to detention or fail the test, you're boyfriend didn't really care of course so he still went to practice.

But you? You choose to finish the test, which honestly only took about 15 minutes but the teacher made a big speech about how you to were disrupting class...... absolutely no one was paying any mind sense you to are off in the back and right next to eachother.

So here you are sitting in the storage closet as Tendou try's to get Ushijima to go away, saying "theres nothing in there" and "I'll set up the nets today"

Ugh the mess I managed to get myself twisted into. Don't get me wrong im friends with Ushijima but he's really big (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and kinda scary, but hiding in the storage closet peeking out occasionally sucks.

It was less of me in trouble and more of Tendou's playing hide and seek, I'm hiding and Ushijima is seeking. But oh well, listening in on there conversation.

"Nah Wakatoshi-kun theirs nobody over there, i told you that before" looking out the small crack seeing a very suspicious Ushijima staring at where i was looking out, of course from the distance he can't see me.
"Mmm fine but still L/n-san hasn't showed up for practice" tendou simply looked were ushijima was looking nodding his head. "Im sure its nothing"


Practice had just finished and ushijima hadn't found me yet, when he left for a split second tendou helped move me towards the other storage, the one thats closer to the door. So everyone else knew about what was happening, they all promised they wouldn't share our little game, well everyone but shirabu being the salt kid he is.

So when practice was over Shirabu decided that he had enough of being quiet and spit it out "Tendou hide L/n in the closet" since i was peeking out i happened to fall out. Tendou quickly ran to me, wrapping his arms under my legs and around my back, picking me up bridal style as ushijima stared confused as all hell. We both giggled along with the rest of the team, before Tendou started Booking it out the door carrying me as he went.

He ran around the school under the setting sun, giggling while carrying me, and the most of the rest of the team seemed to run after us.

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