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It's a nice day outside but I'm going to stay in the room. I like to watch them. They seem so carefree but there so naive. I guess that is the best way to live. Sometimes a lie is better than the truth.

I watched as they play tag. There mother looks at me. She smiles at me and I force one to her. She waved me to join. I knew I didn't have a choice if I was going to survive.

I walked out to see them about to play another game of tag with sister krone. "F/n plwez play with us!" A little boy said. I sighed and nodded.

"Alright I'm going to count and I want all of you to hide ok!" Sister krone said with a creepy smile.

Once she started to count they took off. I sighed and started to jog into the forest. Soon I heard screaming. 

I dropped down fast covering my head. It was a reaction I've learned to do. I then got up and ran fast.

I turn around a few trees making my foot prints face many directions. I jumped and claimed the tree. I looked down to see emma and some kids staring at me.

I look at them and wave. I then sat down and watched. Sister krone found emma. She grabbed the kids and ran.

She is vary weird. Why take the children when she is bound to be caught?

I followed quietly. Sister krone ended up caching them. She then called out my name. Emma looked up to see me.

I sighed but didn't move. Sister krone then saw me. She smirked "your hard to catch f/n. Why not come down and will see if you luck holds out." She said.

I watched her every move. "Fine guess I'll have to come up!" She yelled climbing the tree. I jumped as far as I could. Unfortunately I missed the other tree and fell on a rock.

"F/n!" I heard the kids yell. I grunted and got up. I have no idea what they will do to me if I lose.

I started to run but it was hard with my ankle. "Your hurt f/n just let me help you." Sister krone said. She jumped in front of me.

I smirked and threw dirt in her eyes. I take off running twords emma and those kids. I run deeper into the woods.

Soon I made it to the open field. The time was almost up. I ran to the crowed to lose sister krone. She was right behind me.

I ran into the crowed and ducked behind ray. Sister Krone had trouble finding me. Soon time was up and I won.

"Good job f/n! You did great!" People yelled. I looked around for a punishment. For the losers but there was nun.

'what happens to the losers?' I wrote to sister krone. She looks confused. Everyone read it. "What do you mean? They just lose" sister krone said.

There mother sighed. "F/n look at me. Your not there anymore. We don't hurt anyone for losing a game. We play to have fun. Now let me see your ankle" she said.

I sighed. I guess this really is different than the other farm. She looked at my ankle. It was swollen. "Why didn't you quite? It must have really hurt." A kid said.

I didn't answer him. I would have not even tried if I knew we wouldn't get punished.

The next thing I knew I was off the ground. I started to freak out and fight. She dropped me on the ground and I jumped back up.

I looked at there mother. I accidentally hit her. I started to write 'im sorry I freaked out. I didn't mean to hurt you' she sighed. "It's my fault I should have asked first." She said smiling.

Her smile is a trap.

I followed her to the room. I really didn't mean to hurt her. Of course I don't feel bad because of all the kids.

She sits me down and raps my ankle. "I'll get a kid to take you back. I know you don't trust me but I'm hoping we could be friends." She said leaving.

I wonder if she knows I know about this place being a farm. Ray comes in soon after she left.

He looked bored. "Come on let's go." He said grabbing my arm. 'i can walk' I wrote in defense. "Shut up and let me help. We also need to talk to you tonight if you don't mind. Meet us in the library." He said.

This could be interesting.

That night I walked in the see emma norman ray and another boy and girl. The girl had glasses and the boy well he looked like a kid hyped on candy.

"Glad you could make it." Emma said. We all sat down around a table. "Look I know what we're about to tell you is a lot to take in. You have to believe us ok?" Emma said.

The other girl and boy nodded in response. "We are in a farm. They are selling us to monsters." Emma said quickly. The boy started to laugh.

"Your joking right" he said but he saw how serious she was. He new that she wasn't joking.

"Your not shocked?" Ray asked. I shrugged and went to write. Unfortunately my hand cramped.

"Is your hand ok?" Emma asked worried. I sighed and got up to leave but someone grabbed my arm. "Wait how long have you known?" Ray asked.

"Since I was born" I said glaring at him. He let go a little shocked I spoke. "Wait you can talk?!" The girl asked. "Of course I can. I just don't like to. One mess up when I speak and I'm in trouble." I said looking at her.

"So when where you planning on telling us?" Emma asked. "I wasn't actually I was just going to let you have a good time before you were shipped out" I said.

She looked angry.

Silenced (Ray x Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now