The Signs

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--> Sagittarius

         -Gender: Male

         -Looks: Yellow eyes like lightning and black hair, with pale skin. He is 5' 9"

        -Age: 14(for now it will change throughout the story. This goes for all of them).

       -Powers: Great control over wind and can use it to fly. Control over electricity is not as great,            but he can still charge his weapons and body with electricity, but cannot call down lightning.

        -Weapon: Bow and arrow

--> Aquarius

      -Gender: Female

      -Looks: Electric blue eyes and blond hair that goes to just below her shoulders. She has a                naturally tan complexion. She is 5'6"

     -Age: 14

     -Powers: Unlike Sagittarius, she can actually call down lightning from the sky and shoot it out of her body as well as all the things he can do, but she can only make a strong enough gust of wind to knock someone down.

      - Weapon: Xiphos(Sword like Riptide)


--> Pisces

        -Gender: Female

        -Looks: Waist-length black hair and ocean blue eyes, with a naturally tan complexion. She is          5'7". 

         -Age: 14

          -Powers: Good control over water and it is very hard to make her lose her balance, but she cannot make or control earthquakes

            -Weapon:  A spear


-->Scorpio (I'm not sure if Pluto is Scorpio's planet, but I just went with it. Google was saying Pluto and Mars, and I got confused. If I am wrong can you please tell me).

      -Gender: Male

     - Looks: Black hair and black eyes with an olive complexion. He is 5' 11"

     -Age: 14

     -Powers:  He can control shadows and use them to shadow travel and trap enemies, as well as hide himself in shadows, but he can only summon 7 skeletons at a time before starting to get tired( This number will increase with the progression of the book).

     -Weapon: Xiphos


--> Aries 

       -Gender: Male

       -Looks: He has blood-red eyes and curly brown hair, and he is black.

       -Age: 14

       -Powers: He can summon common melee weapons like a sword or a spear, but nothing special like an enchanted weapon. He also can only summon one at a time and it has a cooldown of 15 minutes. He also has slightly increased strength.

       -Main weapon(because he will use others throughout the story): Broadsword


--> Leo

       -Gender: Male

        -Looks: Sky blue eyes and blond hair. He is naturally tan and he is 6'.

        -Age: 14

        -Powers: He can summon a bow and arrows, and he has enhanced aim. He can sing really well and can burn some enemies with light or use it to distract them.

Weapons: Xiphos and a bow and arrows

🌙Artemis🌙(I know that she cannot have children it will be explained later in the story)

--> Cancer

       -Gender: Female

        -Looks: Silver eyes and auburn hair with pale skin. She is 5'6".

        -Age: 14

        -Powers: Can talk to animals and has increased stealth and hunting skills. She also gets empowered under the moon and can summon a bow.

      -Weapons: Hunting daggers and bow and arrows.

📩Hermes📩(By the way Virgo and Gemini are twins

--> Gemini

      -Gender: Male

      -Looks: Light blue eyes and brown hair. He has pale skin and is 6' 1"

     -Powers: He has increased speed and can make a force field big enough for 3 people to be in.

     -Age: 14

      -Weapon: Short sword

--> Virgo

      -Gender: Female

      -Looks: Light gray eyes and brown hair. She has pale skin and is 5'8".

       -Powers: Small wings appear on her ankles and they can help her fly and she can also make forcefields large enough for 3 people. (If they combine the forcefields it will be bigger and stronger).

      -Weapon: Dagger

     -Age: 14

💖Aphrodite💖(Taurus and Libra are brother and sister. They are the same age because I think that since she is a goddess and one of her domains is procreation I think that her pregnancy would go faster)

--> Taurus

      -Gender: Male

       -Looks: He has lighter ocean blue eyes and black hair. He is black and he is 6'2.

      -Powers: He has a more powerful version of charm speak. 

      -Age: 14

        -Weapon: Spear

--> Libra

      -Gender: Female

      -Looks: She has pink eyes and black hair. She is 5'10" and black.

      -Powers: She can become more beautiful on command and it could be used in combat or otherwise.

       -Weapon: Dagger


--> Capricorn

    -Gender: Male

   -Looks: He has golden eyes and silver hair. He is naturally tan and 6'1"

    -Powers: He can control time either in his entire vicinity or on certain people, animals, or objects. He also has minor control over plants. (Who knows why?)

     -Age: 14

    -Weapons: Dual Xiphoses

For those of you who didn't read the description, I did not make Aquarius a child of Ouranos because he was 1. Castrated he can't have children and 2. He is still reforming or he faded. Also, I based it off the ruling planets that I looked up off of google so if it is wrong please notify me. I got a lot of my information from this website Thank you for reading bye!

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