A world of clans and warriors (part two)

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Bo Katan asks:"Mikey I was told you got some Beskar, while you are here, then you could certainly buy your own flat. He answers stutteringly: "You mean I can live here on Mandalor. She replies: "Well, you've already come here to see your home and you've already found a friend, why don't you go with him and look for a flat with him. Mikey replies: "I'll do it, is there any way I can reach you Lady Kryze? "I will always be at the palace if you need anything, just come. She says, "If you'll excuse us, I have another conversation with master jedi. She turns to Luke and Mikey says: "This is the way and Skywalker may the Force be with you. Mikey starts his jetpack and taps on his bracers and a voice sounds asking: "Mando is that you? He answers with: "Yes it's me, but from now on call me Mikey. Miles replies through the device: "Oh, you got a name and what do you want to do now? Mikey replies decisively: "Meet me at my ship in, say, twenty minutes.

twenty minutes later...

Miles lands perfectly on the platform and asks: "So what exactly are you going to do now? "I thought we should look for a free flat, because I'm allowed to stay in the homeland. He says and sounds very pleased. Miles says: "Sounds good, let's have a look. Some time later they were sitting in a great flat. "So now what are you going to do Mikey? Miles asked him. He replies: "You see the breastplate, which is almost destroyed, it's a bit older and I want to replace it with a new one. Some time later they sit at a mandalorian blacksmith. Mikey puts four Beskar pieces on the table, the blacksmith heats them and makes a new breastplate. He gives them to him and Mikey puts another piece of Beskar on his table and says: "Keep it. "Oh very noble. Says the blacksmith. 

Some time later in the middle of the night.

A Stormtrooper squad and three Deathtroopers are standing in the front of the flat. The Stormtrooper captain pulls out communication puck of his chest pocket and turns it on. A blue figure appears and turns in the direction of the Stormtrooper. The captain says: "I report that we are at the door, the scanners show no movement. Shall we go inside Moff Wrench? The Moff answers with: "Execute him. "As you wish." One of the deathtroopers steps forward and holds a card against the key card scanner, after a few seconds of waiting the door opens and the troop sneaks in. Immediately one of the troopers is shot, but Mikey gets a blow to the back of the head where his helmet rests. The mandalorian sinks to the ground with his knees and he is pressed to the floor by the other two deathtroopers and arrested, four other stormtoopers cut the glass of the flat and a troop carrier disguised as a cargo ship flies in front and opens the sides hatch. They drag him into the small ship and throw him into a cage. In the cockpit a transmission goes on and you see the bald young man, he asks ,with a military voice, "Did you catch him? The captain replies: "Yes Moff Wrench we will arrive soon.

The small ship flies in the direction of the orbit and only a few moments later it jumps into hyperspace. 

to be continued...

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