-2. meeting my problematic guest-

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Rin has been working all night in preparation for that damned roommate listing. he wasn't at all loving the outcomes. with a longs day of work and staying up just to create an add for the lucky one to get the spot. he tried his best showing off his add everywhere he could. streetlights, house listing places, even his own work. just sitting there waiting to bring the moth to the flame. he wasn't hopeful anyone would accept the offer. however, that morning the first glimpse of light that crept up his windows draped in orange silk. the light burnished his eyes.


Rin woke up instantly. dragging his arm to the nightstand to his left. draping his arm down as if it was a claw; a lifeless extremity. he reached around for his phone. yawning again. he scrunched his nose up and wiggled back into the covers. becoming a ball of stuffed warm bedding. he picked up hos phone after locating it on his small dresser. it wasn't hard to find being only three things called the space home. his lamp, alarm clock, and phone. he squinted his eyes. then it happened-

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Rin yelped. his eyes became green filled spheres, bright and lit up. he sat up quickly from the nest of blankets he created for himself. he quickly scowled and then whined.

"hnnngghff... four requests for interviewing-" he paused and burred is face into the blanket like a lizard burring its face in sand. "i don't want to have a roommate yet its too earlyyy!." 
Rin groaned and sat up finally. he was still wearing a wrinkled white button up shirt along with black pants. he passed out in the middle of the night preparing for his own listing. he wobbled over to his grey dresser then grabbed almost identical clothes as the ones he had on. however, he chose a teal shirt to add a bit more warmth to his aura. is he didn't look welcoming. he definitely wouldn't get the roommate for today. the listing that was created was very detailed. every inch of the room was shown. as well as the marbled counters in the kitchen. of course, every other picture had a plant in the corner. the add looked very professional. 


Rin plopped down a toxic green file of papers. hi turned on the dinning room light witch sat near the shoulders of the counter behind his front door. it was a beautiful fall explosion when it came to colours. the table was a gloomy forest colour. in the middle of the table draped a grey cloth. centered above the cheek cloth was a vase of flowers.



the bell for his apartment rang. Rin got up from his chair. his face was flushed. quickly he took a second..... he quietly breathed and walked over towards the door. his shaking hand hesitantly opened the door. once the door was opened. it was like everything was under control. A feminine figure drapped over him.

"hello sir. is this the listing for the room?"

"y-yeah. sure come in" Rin said hesitantly. he walked over by his neat little table. gripping on of the chairs and elegantly pulled out the chair. he bowed down slightly and gestured to the chair.

moments passed... then a few more. the clock flashed by like it was nothing more than a stone being skipped on the waters. the interviews went on as the sun leaned towards its final goodbyes for the day.

"thank you for visiting... ill let you know if you got the room"

              "thank you. ill email you if it works"

                              "sorry, i don't think this went well. good luck on finding                                                                                         your new place ma'am."

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